Example sentences of "[adv] and [to-vb] [that] " in BNC.

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1 It is as well at this point to confirm that it is so and to add that there are further complications , bibliographical and biographical .
2 We tend to view ourselves as physical beings only and to deny that we have anything in the way of a soul or spirit .
3 It seems reasonable to draw these strands together and to presume that considerably more than a thousand teachers are now working in off-site units .
4 I think we would be wise to reflect a little longer and to think that perhaps the Government is not so far wrong in what it is saying and I have to say finally My Lords that I never in my public life , or indeed in my private life have met anybody who has said to me that their attitude towards their local police force has been in any way influenced by the fact that the members of the police authority were or were n't democratically elected .
5 The quest for respectability was very much part of the drive to increase audiences generally and to ensure that motion-picture theatres were not confined to any down-town ghetto but it was also part of an even more fundamental question .
6 The weekend of 13/14 March was used to do the cut over and to ensure that everything was in full working order .
7 It is important to be able to think about what has taken place once the session is over and to know that all the things you said were a product of your own subconscious and therefore likely to be extremely relevant to your own development .
8 We must ensure that there is local flexibility when assessing housing benefit so that it is sufficient to meet the charges that are imposed locally and to ensure that the gap does not widen .
9 It is an important role of the database administrator to control attempts to keep data on the database indefinitely and to ensure that data entering the database is likely to be of use in the near future .
10 From this it is easy to go one step further and to say that the same thing happens in fictional discourse , except that it is a postulated or imagined model of reality — in short , a fiction — that is transferred to the addressee .
11 Almost all his spines had fallen out and to top that he 's albino .
12 At the end of a year it 's good to look back and to feel that you have made some progress in your spiritual life .
13 The appropriate response is to set up ways to manage the resistance productively and to ensure that its effects further the organization 's progress in its journey from here to there .
14 But he appears to reject eclecticism as an evaluative principle as well and to argue that pedagogic practice must be the application of a single theory of language acquisition , namely his own .
15 In 1667 the Marquess of Worcester , as Constable of St Briavels and Warden of the Forest of Dean , was ordered to revive the Forest courts there and to see that the Forest laws were obeyed : their discontinuance had brought about ‘ great destruction of timber and retardment of its future growth ’ .
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