Example sentences of "[adv] in [art] way " in BNC.

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1 Suddenly , she threw her arms around him and hugged him fiercely in a way she had never done before .
2 Rune enquired gently , apparently in no way put out by her castigation .
3 The war was apparently in the way , but that was more as a result of misunderstanding than anything else .
4 Any one person may hold aspects of each together , though not necessarily in a way which is successfully integrated .
5 I see myself drawing closer to Claudia Cohn-Casson , but not necessarily in the way that S. O. Letterman is expecting of me .
6 Er not necessarily in the way you 've expressed it .
7 Researchers should therefore give more attention to its negative effects on their conduct , especially in the way it requires researchers to make a number of pragmatic compromises which depart from the textbook portrayal of ideal research practice .
8 Corman remained unconvinced , especially in the way that the multi-coloured fantasy scenes were to be portrayed .
9 Sometimes Freud may have appeared not to adhere to this view of science in practice , especially in the way the psychoanalytic movement operated , in some periods , as though it were a new form of sectarian movement .
10 When on your feet before the audience , have the outline card or cards in your hand and , with this aid , speak naturally in the way you have planned .
11 And what I find interesting is that it 's the sheer vitality of the English sound — it 's not just the Liverpool sound , it 's the English sound — the vitality , the sensuality , the letting one 's hair down quality , that is exactly what the Continentals admired in Dunstable , and strangely enough in a way what Elgar 's got — this incredible sort of desire not to be over formal and to break down certain formal barriers which seems to be so characteristic of English music .
12 Vague idealism , and a general desire to help others are not enough in the way of protection , for other people too have power and drives which are seeking a focus .
13 There was enough in the way of threats to drive even the strongest , bravest man .
14 Other people , however , have a long tradition of breakfasting wholeheartedly , but perhaps in a way that is not wholesome for the heart .
15 Questions concerning the juggling of home , business activity and painting work are often asked , perhaps in a way that few male artists would be quizzed .
16 Perhaps in a way it was more justifiable in the special case of Grand Prix where it echoed the multiple TV-screen images of which the director , John Frankenheimer , is so fond — perhaps nostalgia for his early days as a director of live TV drama .
17 But perhaps in a way that will be something of a surprise .
18 It seemed a dark mysterious sort of profession , perhaps in a way not quite manly , or not manly in the way she was used to .
19 ‘ I had thought of getting a young man , ’ said Edwin , ‘ though perhaps in a way it 's hardly a job for a man .
20 Perhaps in a way , if you feel that it 's going to be too revealing to have this
21 You can see it in our trade obviously in the way in which companies have amalgamated and merged and grown .
22 The 1692 issue exists in a number of states , which differ most obviously in the way their preliminary leaves are arranged :
23 His intellectual and emotional itinerary between 1924 and 1927 is the record of a deepening crisis brought on by a growing realisation of the political and social dimension of his current lifestyle , an awareness that his pursuit of academic excellence and success had implicated him personally in a way of life that contradicted , subverted and emasculated the values and beliefs of his own social origins .
24 So in a way we never stop training .
25 It also becomes an experience which indirectly registers the resilience of the individual 's own immediate cultural past : forgetfulness and oblivion are the means of its escape , but become so in a way which register its continuing presence .
26 It is doing so in a way that does not give wind a good name .
27 So if we wish to touch the horse or communicate with the horse , we should do so in a way that is acceptable to the horse .
28 So in a way I was the messenger ? ’
29 It was recognised that what would be most welcomed by policymakers and others was a service that not only helped to keep people out of institutions if that was their wish , but did so in a way that was both acceptable to recipients and less expensive than alternative institutional care .
30 Teachers must rise to the task of making sure that when parents come to judge schools they do so in a way which identifies — and , in so doing , promotes — genuine quality .
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