Example sentences of "[adv] be put in " in BNC.

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1 They have all been put in danger by a Government of incompetents led by a master of mediocrity .
2 Perhaps the most difficult matter will be to resolve differences between the professional regulations of bodies whose members may wish or be permitted to form MDPs or , in the absence of complete harmonisation , to prescribe effective means for dissolution of an MDP where the standards required by one body only are put in jeopardy .
3 Could the topic perhaps be put in a different way ?
4 Erm I think what I 'll do with these handouts is I 'll let you take some for absent friends and then any that 're left over are put in the reading group , shall I ?
5 The kids had already been put in voluntary care due to the car crash and I could n't get them back until three months after I came out .
6 Work on several aspects of policy for the Bill had already been put in hand in Soskice 's time .
7 Unwanted files are removed by being deposited in a dustbin icon which even bulges to show that something has just been put in it .
8 The mountain now stands at 1.2m tonnes — a mind-boggling figure , best be put in context if you think of the 450-mile-long queue of 40,000 lorries which would be needed to carry it away .
9 ‘ But my dear girl , you do n't know these other pupils , ’ she had said when Eve had politely requested that she should not be put in a public position of a non-fee-paying student .
10 We agreed that the piano should not be put in our part of the attic .
11 It is also true that section 2(8) does not provide complete protection , since information obtained in answer to questions ( such as , for example , the location of funds in a foreign bank account ) can lead to the disclosure of damaging facts which once known can be proved by other means , even if the answers themselves can not be put in evidence .
12 Seriously mentally disordered people should not be put in prison .
13 Last year it was decided that even less toxic paints could not be put in the ground .
14 They should not be put in automatically , but only after consideration as to the circumstances surrounding the formation of the contract .
15 A group income election under s247 TA 1988 will usually be put in place between Newco and Target as soon as possible after completion .
16 The Stillbirth and Neonatal Death Society in Britain , for instance , has produced an information package for hospitals to attempt both to encourage a more sensitive approach by hospital staff to the management of stillbirth cases ( such as in disposing of the body ) and to increase the chance that families will rapidly be put in touch with their organisation .
17 For instance , in the eight queens problem , the position Q can not be extended to a goal because no queen can ever be put in the left file .
18 Back in Britain , particularly in London , the work of reinstatement , following the immense amount of destruction from enemy bombing , was gradually being put in hand .
19 However , international links are gradually being put in place by the phone companies .
20 If the Pritchetts had n't taken me in , I 'd have probably been put in an orphanage and never had the educational advantages or been given the opportunities that have come my way . ’
21 ‘ Effective collection systems should also be put in place to ensure that the levy is collected from any income earners , particularly the self-employed professionals and farmers ’ .
22 This command must also be put in LIFESPAN_STARTUP.COM , before the command which starts the LSLIVE process .
23 We shall probably be put in front . ’
24 In 1975 , at the peak of the conservative onslaught , he was appointed deputy minister of culture , and a year later was put in charge of the ministry .
25 I do n't know what happened about that , but it probably was put in a heap to rot , but I remember that one load we had to take out was dreadful , it was all wadded and it was heavy , and we could not separate it , you know wrecked my back .
26 These have now been put in place , whilst in July 1976 Brezhnev was publicly identified as Chairman of this body as well as C.-in-C .
27 A substantial package of help for the Soviet Union , totalling over $11 billion worth of emergency aid in 1991 , has now been put in place by the Group of Seven , under my chairmanship , and the European Community .
28 They would often be put in the stocks until they sobered up , but they would invariably lapse again as soon as they were freed .
29 Pétain , he recommended , should now be put in command not only of the Left Bank , but of the Right Bank as well ; the ‘ fatigued ’ General Herr should be kept on for a while as Pétain 's adviser , then quietly ‘ limogé ’ .
30 All we need to do now is to put in the limits , but alas
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