Example sentences of "[adv] seen [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Cerecloth , a waxed unbleached linen — nowadays only seen as the protective sheet between the top of an altar and the fair linen — was rarely used for shrouds and is more associated with the wrapping of embalmed corpses , having been used as an adjunct to such hygienic treatment .
2 It is only on these rare occasions that I see zander fighting deep down in the water for most are only seen at the netting stage due to the colour of the water that they are generally caught in .
3 In some cases gastric metaplasia was only seen at the tips of ( stunted ) villi ( Fig 1 ) .
4 Unlike the trams , they are only seen during the summer season .
5 Brittle bone disease , or osteoporosis , which is usually only seen in the elderly , is now appearing in these young women , of whom there are several thousand in Scotland .
6 In later days it became fashionable to see Chaplin as a political rebel against Hollywood 's factory methods but he is better seen as the last of the old-style showmen offering a highly polished product to the masses that he felt he knew so intimately .
7 As a translator he was modest , exhorting and beseeching those of his readers ‘ who are better seen in the Scriptures than I , and have higher gifts of grace to interpret the Scripture ’ to correct his work .
8 The confrontation with Iraq was accompanied by a radical change in the climate of GCC relations with Iran , hitherto seen as the principal security threat but now being discussed as a possible participant in a wider regional security framework .
9 As of mid-January , there was 50 per cent more over the northern hemisphere than Antarctica — hitherto seen as the focus of ozone depletion .
10 In fact , it is basically seen as the professionals banding together to protect their own — especially so when set against the various Royal College of Surgeons ' statements that testing of patients after operative accidents is reasonable whether or not the patient agrees .
11 This is clearly enough seen in the case of differing individuals , and also in that of differing cultures .
12 This can , as we have all seen over the last year or so in particular , have very severe effects on normally solvent companies .
13 But the latter were clearly hopelessly reductionist in relation to a concept such as this which at once opens up the possible significances of what was once merely seen as the aesthetic .
14 Since last year , homosexuals — so long seen as the weak link — can join the secret services .
15 The transsexual , once stabilized in the role long seen as the only natural one , may naturally want a normal family life .
16 Finally , after Mr Luciano Pavarotti and the entire leadership of the rest of the world had appeared on the wall for Mr Major , a modest , smiling , bespectacled figure was suddenly seen on the stairs .
17 Yediot Ahronot ran a piece by the novelist David Grossman , author of the acclaimed Yellow Wind , widely seen as the finest single literary work about the occupation when it was published in 1987 .
18 The number of these passes was , and still is , widely seen as the sole criterion of ‘ standards ’ in education .
19 What we seek is school management which more fully reflects this diversity of opinion , rather than what is widely seen as the inflexible dogma of the current approach .
20 This self-actualization ( " becoming your best self " ) is widely seen as the most valuable benefit of college study .
21 In January 1990 tense relations between the Justice Ministry and the warders ' unions , as well as low staff morale , were widely seen as the indirect cause of a series of 28 prison escapes in six weeks .
22 The arrest was widely seen as the response of Prime Minister Datuk Seri Mahathir Mohamed to the PBS 's defection from the ruling coalition before the October 1990 elections [ see pp. 37780-81 ] ; the PBS had won a comfortable majority in the Sabah Assembly [ see p. 37612 ] .
23 This was widely seen as the most positive statement by a senior Chinese official on the territory 's future since 1989 .
24 Hailed by Sir David Wilson , the Governor of Hong Kong , as " a good agreement for Hong Kong " , the memorandum was widely seen as the UK acceding to China 's demands for a greater say in Hong Kong 's affairs , although Sir David claimed that it would not give China a veto over the Hong Kong government .
25 The parties of the centre-right coalition suffered substantial losses in nationwide local elections on Oct. 18 in what was widely seen as the voters ' initial verdict on the austerity measures .
26 Although the government eventually decided to accept royalties from sales of the chip rather than to take an equity share in the company , it was widely seen as the last straw in a conflict between Fields and the administration .
27 A preoccupation , though a slowly waning one , with precedence and ceremonial still bulked very large : the safeguarding by the ambassador of the honour and standing of the monarch he represented continued for long to be widely seen as the most fundamental of all his duties .
28 The promptness with which the US rejected Iraq 's February 15 offer , widely seen in the Arab world as a genuine peace initiative , can only serve to confirm this view .
29 At the top she was luckily seen by the farmer , who came striding to meet her , letting out an exclamation as he saw that the object in her arms was one of his lambs .
30 Mostly seen at the salesrooms , though ; that 's where all the heavy-duty stuff 's on offer .
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