Example sentences of "[adv] seen [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 She had only seen one corpse in union blue .
2 I replied cautiously , acutely aware that I had n't seen Spock and Kirk do their thing for years and that I 'd only seen one episode of the new series .
3 I have only seen two rats , and they were both outside the house and both dead .
4 What was encouraging was the way we played — the best I 've seen them this term ( although I 've only seen 4 matches ) .
5 Yes , they had been neighbours in Shrewsbury , but of course they had only seen each other during the school holidays , and of course they had n't made friends over some grotty little terrace-house garden fence ; he 'd first noticed her from the tree house in his parents ' garden while she was learning to ride her new pony in her parents ' ten acres of mature woodland and well-kept pasture .
6 Although it can be as profuse as a gonococcal discharge , it is sometimes only seen first thing in the morning before urine has been passed .
7 Rory had only seen fleeting glimpses of it , but enough to know it was there .
8 Some are the familiar ones that we have all seen many times , but most will be new to the majority of readers .
9 Yet we have all seen obese Ogons and Bunter-like Bekkos wallowing around pools .
10 We 've all seen those photographs of dieters who can now slip into just one leg of their trousers after losing five stone .
11 ‘ We 've all seen this initiative stymied far too long ’ , Senator said about her bill , co-sponsored by Senator .
12 I remember an English don once coming to me at the end of a meeting , and saying that she had suddenly seen that evening in Jesus Christ the answer to the rather negative existentialist framework into which her life had been cast .
13 He fetched a soiled length of plough cord which had obviously seen much service and fastened it round the cow 's hock .
14 ‘ We have obviously seen enormous change in the last one hundred and fifty years .
15 ‘ I have rarely seen such elegance , such grace of line , such sobriety of colour . ’
16 Corbett had rarely seen such beauty .
17 Her first bit of advice , especially to older women , is to go through the wardrobe , ruthlessly discarding anything that no longer fits , no longer looks good on us , or has long since seen better days .
18 Cara had not seen much sense to it .
19 But I have not seen much evidence that it is really possible to do it on this scale .
20 ‘ Marriage will be the end of his talent , ’ Bonamy predicted , though I had not seen much talent in the poems Robin had so far shown me .
21 At first it had not mattered that the rain prevented him from going outdoors ; there was so much to talk about between himself and Uncle Walter ; they had not seen each other for twelve years .
22 On every occasion there was a suicide attempt , we would find out that the other had attempted suicide at the identical time , even though they may have been hundreds of miles apart and not seen each other for months .
23 These involve her talking to a Jem , a childhood admirer , and on these occasions Boehemer captures the awkwardness of two people who have not seen each other for years meeting up .
24 The Chirwas had not seen each other for eight years before our delegation saw them together .
25 The straight answer to the hon. Gentleman is no , I have not seen that prospectus .
26 Have you not seen young girls with eyes like stars ? ’
27 Even though child abuse — mainly the sexual variety — has been a more open subject in the past few years , I have not seen many articles of this nature in professional magazines .
28 All these people there this weekend and I 've not seen one dog go out !
29 Gregor Townsend later managed to pass to the referee — clad in near identical colours to the Scots — for the Samoans to plunder ball and scuttle in for the first of their three tries , though it might have been more had we not seen defensive heroics typified by a timely tackle on Leilane Une by Derek Turnbull .
30 The family historian who visits such a place would find it hard to believe that it was once the home of a mere waggoner if he had not seen old photographs that show its condition before the First World War .
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