Example sentences of "[adv] given [noun sg] to " in BNC.

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1 When the pope nevertheless steadfastly refused to give way , Henry intensified his attack on the church ; in the summer of 1530 he issued a charge of praemunire against fifteen clerics , including the four bishops who had supported Catherine , on the grounds that they had aided Wolsey in the exercise of his legatine authority and thereby given support to papal jurisdiction within his realm .
2 The earlier deluge had eventually given way to more normal rain , and now finally that too had passed .
3 Joanne has since given birth to Feathers ' daughter .
4 They looked together at the one about the woman who had said she would give anything for a child , of any kind , even a hedgehog , and had duly given birth to a monster , half-hedgehog , half-boy .
5 In 1982 BBC1 's ‘ Nationwide ’ covered Gay News ' tenth birthday , but in general the sharp end of factual programming has only given space to gay issues when they impinge on heterosexual concerns .
6 All of these foundationalisms are subjected to thoroughgoing challenges , as perhaps given voice to with greatest immediacy and impact in Nietzsche 's radical epistemological , ethical , and aesthetic scepticism , in turn-of-the-century cultural modernism .
7 This is well-illustrated by the plentiful funerary monuments of hellenistic Boiotia , which retain features , such as the simple naming of the dead man without patronymic , which in other parts of the Greek world had long given way to more sophisticated formulae ; and Boiotia retained her local script till the age of Epaminondas in the fourth century .
8 Finniston takes issue , however , with the view that the next generation of managers will find themselves working within a post-industrial society , where manufacturing industry has largely given way to a dependence on the service industries .
9 By the eighteenth century the older and rougher leathers had largely given way to finer products , often polished and patterned in a variety of ways , e.g. calf could be ‘ sprinkled ’ ( speckled by acid in a regular pattern ) , ‘ mottled ’ ( having an irregular all-over pattern , also produced by acid ) or ‘ diced ’ ( having a pattern of diamond squares ) .
10 A WOMAN who was told she could never have children due to a rare disease has just given birth to a daughter .
11 She 's just given birth to daughter Rosie .
12 She mentions that once , having just given birth to a child , she was ordered by Christ to get up and go to Norwich , though her journey appeared to be without purpose .
13 The shamed Roman Catholic cleric wrote a heart-rending letter to the parents of his mistress , teacher Monika Kocanek , who had just given birth to baby Jennifer .
14 This horse has just given birth to a foal .
15 This mare has just given birth to a foal .
16 The second largest horse has just given birth to a foal .
17 The second largest mare has just given birth to a foal .
18 ‘ We were over the moon and had a great sense of achievement — as if we 'd done something terribly clever , ’ says Susi , who has just given birth to her first baby .
19 How her mother had just given birth to another child , her fifth , this time a boy .
20 It has nevertheless given rise to such widespread misunderstanding in subsequent interpretations of his model that Keynes would have done better to exclude all discussion of money wage rigidity from the main body of the General Theory .
21 But a minister has not given evidence to the committee ‘ in living memory ’ .
22 The report deeply angered Price Waterhouse because it had not given evidence to Senator Kerry 's subcommittee .
23 With an effort she said , ‘ Listen , Frank , and you can pass this on if you want to : I 've not given Sleet to Mr Kennedy , nor sold it to him .
24 For the clinical and educational professions ( and the lay notions which derive their values from them ) , their very practice makes it clear what fact it is that you ‘ come to terms ’ with : you have not given birth to a member of the human species as we define it , and to which we allocate certain rights and social roles , but to an object of pathology — a ‘ monster ’ , to use a technical term employed in medical anatomy .
25 For the parent , the same phrase means the inverse : I have not given birth to the monster which my upbringing and socialisation led me to believe I 'd had , but to a normal member of the human species as I now define it .
26 Not , no , I , I 've really not given thought to that subject .
27 However , the following day , when the floorboards were removed to examine the beam , it was found to be so deeply cracked in two places that they ascribed the fact that it had not given way to a ‘ wonder of [ God 's ] providence ’ .
28 I have not given way to Opposition Members —
29 This embraces all overseas companies , but in practice this has not given rise to difficulties .
30 The remaining techniques have not given rise to general-purpose instruments but have proved useful in particular experiments .
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