Example sentences of "[adv] going make a " in BNC.

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1 That 's obviously going to make a difference to you , ’ he commented : ‘ Well , it 's marvellous to have a lot of support ’ .
2 When Michael knew he had cancer , he said , ‘ One of three things will happen ; I shall get better , I shall have some remission , or I shall die , and whichever it is , we 're not going to make a tragedy of it . ’
3 Is it a well I suppose they 're not going to make a loss out of it !
4 ‘ I hope you 're not going to make a nuisance of yourself , Preston , because if you are it would have been better if you had n't come . ’
5 ‘ I 'm not going to make a break for it , Pearce .
6 We 're not going to make a cockup like we did last week are we ?
7 But I have to say for Shropshire , it means one I think , er , per year , and that 's not going to make a big dent .
8 I 've got half an aubergine and I 'm not going to make a veg pie anyway , it 's a beauty is n't it .
9 Not going to make a lot of difference surely .
10 there are , all that lot 'll have to go onto the seats , mind your fingers can you go down there , open that door no you 'll have to come this side , I 'll have to pass them through to you okay on the floor Paula might be bet the heavier stuff , then if it does fall off it 's not going to make a mess
11 I mean if we do n't have compatible systems , then it 's not going to make a lot of it will make a difference , but not going to make as much difference , but I think if we do it could it really could be revolutionary .
12 ‘ I 'm just going to make a phone call , all right ? ’
13 I was just going to make a cup of tea , and now the lecky 's gone . ’
14 I was just going to make a quick comment if I may on Oxfam , because I noticed that they 're down for the street collections and for the flag day , now next year 's their fiftieth anniversary , so I think it 's quite appropriate next year , but I do , my own view is , that we will get , we ought to get one comprehensive list of all these organisations , for both the street collections and the flag days , with an indication in the column of whether it 's flag day they 've gone for or a street collection , so that we can identify that sort of situation .
15 He says he 's really going to make a killing ! — It 's beautiful ! ’
16 ‘ God , I 'm really going to make a resolution about no beer for lunch , ’ he said .
17 I 've done it now , and I 'm damn well going to make a success of it , Mr Hunter .
18 If there was nobody it did n't matter , and if there was somebody , careful creeping was n't going to make a ha'porth of difference .
19 Let us be adult about this and accept that , in view of the fact that even the very strictest diets suggest that you eat not much less than 1,000 calories daily , those three calories are n't going to make a jot of difference to your weight loss .
20 ‘ One player is n't going to make a team and international rugby is more about team planning and preparation these days than it was in the days of the great Welsh outside halves . ’
21 I could n't see myself doing it so as I said I was n't going to make a fool of myself by putting my name as being nominated forward er as a candidate etcetera lose interest that 's the first thing that happened because they knew I was an outspoken bloke .
22 From the look in her eyes , I was n't going to make a smart remark about that either .
23 This time she was not going to permit Fenna a re-run of the old plot ; this time she was indeed going to make a brand new story ; her own story .
24 So y I 've got to weigh up whether I 'm actually going to make a profit over four years or whether it 's going to be , but I 'm not doing it for that it 's not so much making a profit as the fact that I can secure the loan for four years and know that I have n't got any extra to , to find , and when you 've retired , if you 've got say seven years on your mortgage and you 're thinking well if mortgage rates go up erm I could get stuffed you know if they doubled again then you could actually fix on that assumption .
25 So how we handle the foal is certainly going to make a difference between whether the mature horse will be friendly or not , and in my experience , horses that have not been well handled as foals are never as friendly , trusting , and confident as those who have .
26 We are certainly going to make a resolution .
27 ‘ I am never going to make a movie as good as A Streetcar Named Desire .
28 She added : ‘ Frankly , I think she is an utter disaster from start to finish and was never going to make a member of the Royal Family .
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