Example sentences of "[adv] going get a " in BNC.

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1 After playing catch-me-if-you-can for so long , it looks as though Sun Microsystems Inc is only going to get a month 's headstart over the pack of Sparc-compatible builders which will be gunning for its superscalar Sparcstation 10 market — if US firm Pinnacle Data Systems Inc , Columbus , Ohio , has its way .
2 I know they are all going to get a great deal out of this experience , I am deeply grateful for all the help that is being given them , they have had such a worrying time , I do not think one of them could have had a holiday this year without help , but I have faith to think it will be a good investment for the WEA .
3 Like my dad — he really annoys me : when he 's watching ‘ Top of the Pops ’ , if a singer is a bit overweight he goes , ‘ She 's not going to get a hit , not with legs like that . ’
4 ‘ But I 'm not going to get a big head about it or anything .
5 As it says in the article You own house and live in Surrey your surviving spouse is not going to get a great deal of the house .
6 And for a female it may be possible that she 's not going to get a full pension anyway , she may have er had time out , not paid contributions right the way through etcetera .
7 Ah he said he was go he promised that he was going to bring a new disk , and then he had n't and then he did this and I thought mm I 'm not going to get a new disk out of him now it 's out of warranty and at least it 's working now and
8 " We 've told you we 're not going to get a wedding-dress for you , " Kate said .
9 It was , though , and you 're going to have to learn to live with that fact , because you 're certainly not going to get a chance to put it right ! ’
10 Two important non runners there in the twelve fifty , number seven Far Senior and in the two o'clock number thirteen the I would n't say old timer but Panto Prince anyway shame he 's not going to get a run .
11 If the issue today in some people 's eyes is the need for this community in Greater York to be one hundred percent self sufficient then perhaps we really ought to go pack up and er go home , er because there 's no way that er a settlement that one could envisage in Greater York or perhaps anywhere else can be a hundred percent self sufficiency , self sufficient , you 're not going to get a shopping mall , you 'd be unlikely to get a a major touring theatre , so you can not aim for a hundred percent self sufficiency , you aim for what is appropriate for the size of the community and particularly its relationship to existing settlements er in the general area .
12 He was not going to get a bike because he would n't be able to reach the pedals , but I would n't have said anything even if I could have , because nobody expects people to tell the truth to women and , besides , that 's what friends are for , as they say .
13 Right , you said that the reason is , there 's lack of information so , that 's why people migrate , because they do n't realize they 're not going to get a job .
14 And the counter-arguments to this is that there is n't lack of information , people know they 're not going to get a job , but they 're still better off to move , so that 's a rubbish theory .
15 We 're not going to get a lot of serious bearing enquiries .
16 But Ven , who must be feeling drained from his labours , had just stated that he would be ready to discuss the interview soon — she somehow knew then that she was not going to get a better offer from him than that .
17 ‘ Because I 've no qualifications I 'm not going to get a high paid job , so I wo n't be able to pay for childcare .
18 We 're not going to get a good preacher .
19 Your not going to get a cup of tea , I gon na drop it .
20 but I mean even , even if we , if we get a date for next week Jane , we ca n't get in , cos I 'm not going to get a key and go in when she 's not there
21 probably be yards of material that , and you 've got six chairs so And you 'd have to buy it off the roll , you 're not going to get a piece a length at six yards are you ?
22 cos they think they 're not going to get a response I mean it , it , it ca n't get much er , ca n't get very much going on this .
23 When I had occasion to talk to the Home Secretary about this , I asked him about this and he said oh , we want it to be local and I said you mean local not region and he said yes , local and I hope my noble friend who was there will remember that when he comes to decide whether this region things ever going to get a running .
24 ‘ Dammit , you 're probably going to get a chill .
25 They said that in a political situation , if you had one side you could call it the thesis , say capitalism was the thesis and communism was the other side and that was the antithesis and that these two would one another and it was only when they came together and got their good points both of them adopted , that one was really going to get a satisfactory solution .
26 I 'm sure he 'll try to say it 's just about going to get a result , but it will be an emotional day for him .
27 I was not even going to get a lift to Thurso out of it .
28 Captain Apgood and the prints he had made were n't even going to get a mention-in-despatches .
29 I 've got a friend who recently dyed her hair purple because everyone knows you are n't going to get a decent — not to mention interesting — job with a ‘ punky ’ hairstyle , pierced nose and scruffy clothes , and she wants to stay in college .
30 You know perfectly well that under the present system someone who sticks to his principles and speaks out against injustice is n't going to get a job or a council flat .
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