Example sentences of "[adv] know about [art] " in BNC.

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1 I only know about the room .
2 From what we already know about the body clock and the ‘ post-lunch dip ’ , the high frequencies of errors during the night and after lunch are not unexpected ; but why are errors so infrequent in the evening ?
3 Concentrate on that question and begin by asking yourself how much you already know about the question .
4 They already know about the racket .
5 not know about the powers of this god .
6 The other issue , Chair , that 's on , is the issue of the low paid unit , and the er , the view as to whether we can keep it , about the wish to join the new West Midlands Low Paid Unit , who presumably know about the issue of pay er , of certain people in Shropshire .
7 A lot of a lot er of members who actually live in the flats , and all of our members practically know about the flats , and the the general impression is that they are a in a way a a a friendly and er a community type place .
8 ‘ Sir , ’ Athelstan retorted , ‘ I think you do , as you also know about the seed cake . ’
9 okay , you also know about the editorial control of newspapers do you ?
10 Much of what we now know about the tool-using behaviour of wild chimpanzees has come from the remarkable long-term studies carried out at the Gombe Stream Reserve in Tanzania by British primatologist Jane Goodall .
11 It is this second concept which has caused all the trouble , certainly ( for example ) in view of what we now know about the very different world of early Precambrian times .
12 That is presumably the product of what we now know about the Brixton prison escape .
13 From what we now know about the nature of meaning , a hybrid or modular account seems inescapable : there remains the hope that with two components , a semantics and a pragmatics working in tandem , each can be built on relatively homogeneous and systematic lines .
14 Of course , most of these assertions are merely matters of opinion , often rather wild opinion , for one ca n't help wondering just how much Messrs Ashdown , Smith and Brown really know about the ‘ other European countries ’ they so blithely summoned to their aid .
15 How much do your lawyers and judges really know about the laws ?
16 ‘ But you surely know about the dolls and hobby horses and baby houses and all ? ’
17 ( No one believes that last year 's award did wonders for the sales of New Scientist — how many of our readers even know about the awards ? )
18 Eastern cultures certainly know about the clash principle — the yin and yang of the Chinese and the Japanese Sumo wrestlers — but it is not used as a method of getting change or making decisions .
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