Example sentences of "[adv] very [adv] to " in BNC.

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1 It is held there and is permitted ( or forced ) to move only very slightly to and fro — though in very complicated ways — by the influences , sometimes combined , sometimes separate , of that variety of proximate gravities exerted by the sun , the moon and the nearer planets .
2 I was so very near to Bethlehem that night , as pleading that some other homeless folk had come , our landlady had taken away one of our single beds .
3 And so very clearly to be trusted .
4 Well only , er thank you Mr Chairman , just very briefly to second the , the objections to the word director .
5 I 'm not very up to date .
6 I was far from sure that he was not just a homosexual ; that would explain Mitford 's inadequate warning , though not very flatteringly to me .
7 Erm from there we went into this purpose built flat above a grocers shop , it was meant for the manager of the grocers shop , but he had better sense and so the flat became available for letting to the Borough Council who at the insistence of the owners of the house we were in , erm , were anxious to get their property back and so we found ourselves in a brand new flat , the first tenants , although this was not very highly to be recommended , you approached your flat up er stone staircase , er from the outside so you exposed to the elements er you then walked across the roof , flat roof over the shops until you came to your flat door , erm , Islington at that time was just beginning the , to see the influx of immigrants from the colonies as they were in those days and er , they in turn created much heavier demand on what little vacant property there was , so that the district rapidly deteriorated and for many people who were not in the fortunate position that we were found it necessary or desirable to leave because they were sharing rooms or sharing houses with people whose ways of life were different from theirs and this is something I think that housing authorities learnt to appreciate over the years that the differences between people 's ways of life are one of the major causes of social distress .
8 You can turn off very soon to the right , and climb up to make a wonderfully airy and spectacular circuit of the very open , grassy high ground , before hair pinning down the other side on to the Valcarlos road at Arnéguy .
9 Erm , I 'm slightly more concerned though about security in this building and in some of our other main buildings and it brought it home very starkly to me and I 'm sure to all members of the board when we arrived at our meeting a few weeks ago and spent er over two hours standing , we did n't stay out , more or less standing out in the street and .
10 So adds up very nicely to three sixty and Kelly spent more than she had .
11 Rose brought this up very gently to Moran .
12 In recent years lurchers have come back very strongly to be very popular animals .
13 I keep on asking but she 's given me three different answers up to now ; that Deborah felt a bit depressed , that they 'd been out very late to the last show at the cinema in Via Romana which is very near to Piazza Pitti . ’
14 Turning now very briefly to the H One D the Greater York issue , clearly the comments I 've made about the calculations for York have a knock on effect for our position on Greater York , the Greater York figures as I understand it from the County Council are based on a one hundred percent migration assumption , if the technical difference between us er we are right then we believe clearly the Greater York figure should be increased by an appropriate amount , and the we 've suggested the increased cut should be seven hundred er relating to the city itself I ca n't calculate with any great accuracy what the figure for the surrounding parts of Greater York might be , but it would be we suspect only another one to two hundred more on top of that , therefore that underst explains the reason why the City Council suggests that the Greater York should be increased to the ten four figure from the nine seven .
15 The rise in the quality of French tennis over the last 20 years , culminating in the emergence of players such as Yannick Noah , Henri Leconte and now Guy Forget , coupled with the transformation of the French Open at Roland Garros into what the majority of players regard as the best organised of the four Grand Slams ( even though Wimbledon remains favourite as to the one they most want to win ) are due very largely to the leadership he has shown .
16 There was to be great a embankment across the Welland Valley to carry the canal southwards well to the east of Barnes 's line but eventually joining the Grand Junction again very near to Long Buckby .
17 He hung on very tightly to Swan 's feathers .
18 He says you must hang on very tight to his feathers . ’
19 She judged that she was somewhere very near to where the bank on her right had subsided , shattering the outer corner of the hypocaust .
20 If you keep walking , and if the moon has not yet risen , you are likely very soon to be lost .
21 Well brings us very very conveniently to your your first choice of piece of music Sandy , too is this
22 They went to the pub with Air Marshal 's ranking chalked on their uniforms , windows were smashed to prove that broken glass need not draw blood , there were tremendous fights , he lived at the local hall , there was game , there were bounties we never saw in London — he sailed very very close to the law during that period . ’
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