Example sentences of "[adv] only [noun] to " in BNC.

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1 However , gross profit was down only £2m to £94m .
2 On the 1st May an odd selection of individuals , myself included , set out to travel not only South to Totnes Castle , but also back in time about 530 years .
3 It is not easy to survey the many areas in which there has been not only response to Dei Verbum , but also developments traceable to its influence , yet going far beyond what most of the Council 's members could have foreseen .
4 The conquest brought not only soldiers to Latin America but also priests and missionaries , for the christianising mission of the Spaniards and Portuguese was vital to their cause .
5 In adopting a broad search formulation strategy to access the library catalogue , the searcher not only attempts to " match " the system 's language but also places his expressed need in a broader context .
6 We may need to look , therefore , at adaptation in various ways , not only adjustment to general social norms but also to deviant and unorthodox sub-cultures as well as to self-aspirations and family wishes .
7 Many of the papers carried photographs of Dobson and Creed side by side , Dobson 's arm around Creed 's shoulder , as if Creed was not only heir to the business , but also a son .
8 John Paul 's pontificate may then appear as , in part , aberration , while a pluralist Catholic Christianity will be revealed as not only heir to the central religious tradition of the West , but as able to respond without losing its core identity to the needs both of a truly world Church and of the ongoing transformation of human consciousness and intellectual understanding .
9 Not only joy to the sheep that 's been rescued , but it brings joy in heaven .
10 ‘ Access ’ has been a key-word in the discussion of the handicapped in libraries , not only access to the building but also access to the materials and services and to the information , knowledge , and entertainment contained within those materials .
11 Show how the rate of interest could still rise to r 2 and investment still only fall to I 2 if this curve were to shift .
12 They were still only man to man , and there was still quietness as soon as they were quiet .
13 She wore impossibly high heels , yet she was still only eye to eye with Virginia in her bare feet .
14 The former is identified closely with Foucault , while the latter owes its allegiance to Raymond Williams , and really only amounts to a way of describing British ex-Marxists .
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