Example sentences of "[adv] than [adv] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Decisions are often reached more quickly when a chairperson is doing their role effectively and pulling strands together than when opinions are being tossed haphazardly around a group .
2 In that he was wiser than Marx and his Eastern European successors , though the root issues go deeper than either economics or nationality .
3 There is plainly a surprising depth of sympathy here between Waugh and the secular , radical mind , and one somehow richer and deeper than either religion or politics : a fellow-feeling about a paradise forever beyond reach .
4 Many have been constructed with just polythene over hardcore when the building inspector was n't about , but either way , when probing with a garden fork of thin steel rod , you probably wo n't be able to penetrate deeper than about 200mm .
5 So it is all the more remarkable that in France , Spain and Italy , where politicians hesitate before being less than wholeheartedly Europhile , parties have either come into government , or may soon do so , that are less enthusiastic about European union than those they replaced .
6 When last heard of Uncle Charles had been keeping a Malaysian girl less than half his.age in a Vancouver penthouse but George managed to recall some less interesting small-talk and like winged seeds the conversation spiralled delicately down to business .
7 There is little room for poetry — a product of the despised Fancy — in all this ; yet Wordsworth was in the Locke tradition when he rejected the ‘ gaudy and inane phraseology ’ of the Fancy and devoted a long poem to the description of how Nature ( in Locke 's sense of the whole external world rather than simply mountains and lakes ) formed his mental character .
8 Furthermore , district health authorities were obliged to become traders rather than simply suppliers of hospital services .
9 When a target word is briefly presented in a tachistoscope , and the subject 's task is to report the word , the ability to do so is reduced if the word is followed by another stimulus ( a backward mask ) rather than simply darkness .
10 Archer ( 1987 ) suggests adopting an approach which assumes the influence of all social categorizations , rather than simply gender , on psychological subjects .
11 All the elements of paragraph 243 of the Cockcroft Report are in evidence rather than simply exposition and practice .
12 The work of Hubel and Wiesel , in particular , put the conception of neurones as ‘ feature detectors ’ , rather than simply energy detectors , on the map , supporting the idea that for each cell in the cortex there was a specific pattern of excitation that would reliably excite it .
13 Its alarming feature to the orthodox was that it might make Christianity seem simply one faith among others , rather than simply truth .
14 He had earlier explained that the PSL-S would be a national , centrist party based on Christian values , rather than exclusively peasant in orientation ; and that it would seek to combine the historical legacy of the peasant movement with the ethos of Solidarity .
15 Let's go now rather than tomorrow c .
16 Historically , the labour movement had been committed to earlier rather than later retirement .
17 Problems are likely to occur if there are several " actors " in the story — if , that is , the story is about Tom , Dick and Harry , rather than just William , for then simple pronominalisation is not always possible without ambiguity .
18 They agreed with our four focus areas , and agreed that our strategy of offering our employees and their skills , rather than just money was the right one .
19 He said : ‘ A key point was the fact that other people are saying that GA Life is good at administration , rather than just GA saying it . ’
20 Yeah I know it 's well again , you know , kind of once you can see , once you can see what 's wrong with it rather than just sort of , you know , screwing it up and throwing it away , you know kind of if you can use that as a basis for , for , you know , kind of putting more of the stuff in that makes it look a bit more academic
21 If the Government are concerned about public expenditure and court time , will they make offences under section 12(1) of the 1968 Act indictable , rather than purely summary , offences for people who are making a second or subsequent court appearances ?
22 Analyses comparing rates of non-smoking among study groups at each follow up were repeated for non-smokers at baseline rather than never smokers .
23 Rather than only training women to take on roles that have been shaped by men over the centuries , would it not be far more interesting , more expansive , to look into the questions of priestesshood , to find out what mystery it is that women can touch on , and how they can communicate it to the human world ?
24 We say ‘ everyone is entitled to his beliefs ’ , recognising the nastiness of a world which will not tolerate alternative beliefs , but over-looking the fact that some beliefs are nonsense and deserve to be called prejudice , bigotry or superstition rather than merely belief .
25 When the rosy spectacles are laid aside , it is clear that what to the husband and children can be a refreshing hobby — after all they are more often than not the consumers , not the producers , of the home-made jam — to the wife can be another variant of the natural mother image and in everyday terms can mean longer than ever hours at the chopping board .
26 But the Public Order Act of 1986 goes further than either Lord Scarman or Sir Robert Mark had envisaged by giving new powers to the police to impose conditions on public assemblies as well as on processions .
27 Selkirk — also on six points but having played one game more than both GH-K and Stirling County — snatched two points at Riverside Park a fortnight ago and followed up with a Border League success against Kelso last Friday in which they scored four glorious tries and were further heartened by the return from serious injury of Rodney Pow and Graham Marshall .
28 The pictures Elizabeth took that day have become more than just snaps of a holiday that turned to horror .
29 If you 're out of the Ritz bracket , Hazlitt 's is one London hotel which gives you more than just bed and bath for a night at reasonable rates .
30 It is important that as Christians we conceive of the corporation as a community which has as an objective more than just profit maximisation .
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