Example sentences of "[adv] much as [vb base] " in BNC.

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1 A gift shop , a snack bar and a petrol station is not exactly a model , thriving Highland community , and the disquieting feeling that these places now exist only to empty the contents of your wallet if you so much as slow down is not a pleasant one .
2 Runs back to her lair , if I so much as breathe about the past .
3 The matron moved towards Elinor 's bed on legs that seemed to be joined to her feet without ankles : she did not walk so much as stomp .
4 I think Craven Arms , the thing Craven Arms actually want money so much as support .
5 Other editors might make a slip , but let her so much as spell a name wrong and her telephone would blare , and some outraged lady would correct her with withering sarcasm .
6 Next day , at the mum-and-toddler group , your gentle , chatty child turns into a little monster : she spitefully destroys another child 's sandcastle , throws a tantrum when she ca n't have the toy she wants , or screams in terror if you so much as walk across the room away from her .
7 With a joy to his flight that evidently surprised and alarmed them he turned and stooped towards them at speed , not to attack them so much as show them that he was a golden eagle and could fly where he pleased .
8 His face bore the marks of much , not always peaceful meditation ; the look of it not bland or benevolent so much as close impregnable and hard .
9 Ruth was shaking , not with fear so much as protest ; she 'd lost control of this situation .
10 It was near twenty years since he had been here , and he had never , to his knowledge , so much as set eyes on any member of the surviving household .
11 So much as sift and ripple it
12 All things considered , however , the film does n't exactly fly so much as hope from one gag to the next , relying on the awe of Brando and affection for the Kellog character to carry it over the many black spots .
13 All things considered , however , the film does n't exactly fly so much as hope from one gag to the next , relying on the awe of Brando and affection for the Kellog character to carry it over the many black spots .
14 ‘ If I so much as catch you smiling at another woman — ’
15 He did not take his readers back into history so much as bring Thomas Paine , William Hazlitt , Sir Arthur Conan Doyle , Sir Walter Scott [ qq.v. ] , and others forward , as if they had suddenly walked in from the street .
16 The third section ( ‘ Palestine ’ ) does not conclude the novel so much as make explicit the narrative implications of what has happened so far .
17 It was this fact which led Lord Lyons to comment that the government did not lead so much as follow when it came to the last stages of the crisis .
18 The Naked Lunch does not end so much as tail off entropically into verbal fragments .
19 ‘ If you so much as mention sitting ducks or fish in a barrel , ’ Lambert said acidly , ‘ I 'll kick your teeth in . ’
20 When Travis seemed in need of another stiff drink , Sebastian served him liberally and , Travis 's tongue more free than it had ever been , he spoke of his love for Rosemary , his wish to marry her , but how because of her sense of propriety she would n't even let him take her out , or so much as mention her name to his family .
21 ‘ If you so much as whisper a word about Dame Agatha to the Lady Maeve , you will regret the day I ever plucked you out of Newgate ! ’
22 Such an approach does not usually analyse nationalism so much as confirm the claims of the nationalist .
23 I was terrifically embarrassed , but Karen did not once so much as glance in my direction , and after a while I began to suspect that she had made a mistake too .
24 It does n't frighten you so much as remind you where you are , " explained a young Barnsley miner .
25 The skilled reader does not guess so much as eliminate alternatives by the most efficient route .
26 Sign systems do not name the world so much as order it .
27 If I so much as see you in this section during the flight … ’
28 If you so much as loosen your seatbelt or drop your ash or pick your nose , then it 's an Alcatraz autopsy with the questions asked later .
29 Fantastic literature ‘ does not introduce novelty , so much as uncover all that needs to remain hidden if the world is to be comfortably ‘ known' ’ …
30 While a strict Freudian interpretation of the function of dreaming would not necessarily imply that it preserved sanity so much as sleep , the neo-Freudians had developed the notion that during dreams conflicts were resolved , giving dreams a purpose in maintaining psychic equilibrium .
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