Example sentences of "[adv] do n't [vb infin] " in BNC.

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1 at the end and they perhaps do n't bother quite so much and
2 And I think what the Council 's got to do and I think what the what the what the theatre perhaps has to do is only make that leisure card more easily acceptable and available and also look upon the reductions that we give but that perhaps is a way of actually rewarding the people in Harlow to use the theatre and the contribution in actually paying for it at the expense of the people coming in from outside who perhaps do n't pay anything towards the expense of the theatre .
3 Councillor could I just perhaps request that you perhaps do n't make it quite so easy for any future break-ins .
4 You 've got , again , a much more stable population , there are n't nearly so many teachers , young women teachers who leave the system to get married and then perhaps do n't go back at all , or only go back on a part-time basis .
5 Then your then your feelings perhaps do n't matter in the overall picture of the education , but bearing in , looking at the teachers in our school , we , we really do n't have a weak teacher except perhaps Mr , who 's obviously not been well these last three years , erm
6 They perhaps do n't eat much .
7 They have seen the prosperity of the west but perhaps do n't realise how long it has taken to get there , and the imperfections likely .
8 Well , well she was , she was standing outside , I mean I looked at her this morning and I 've loo so I 've sort of looked at her , and I was going to speak to her and then this fella walked up and I thought , I , I mean I could n't gauge whether , and I mean my , I , I was thinking what I was going to say anyway , I was going to say er you know sa is it Paula so you perhaps do n't remember me but I , I , and then I was going to say I 'm Adrian , Adrian
9 well erm , sort of in that erm , I was asked to come and do this talk , and so I , I organise to make sure that I had access to some of Gaugin 's work and then to write poems about it , erm , so , erm , only in as much as that it was a waiting to hear this talk , but a lot of my work is through commissions and so I find myself writing about things that I perhaps do n't have any interest in particularly , erm , or I find actually in a waiting , asked to write about anything is quite er exciting and actually using my skill I think it should be , as a writer I should really be able to write about everything .
10 There 's been a recent H M Is report , which has asked some questions about mixed ability teaching and expressed some worries about those teachers who perhaps do n't have the adequate support and preparation for mixed ability teaching , but they 're certainly not against it , or the H M Is are certainly not against mixed ability teaching .
11 There has been a recent H M I report which has asked some questions about mixed ability teaching and expressed some worries about those teachers who perhaps do n't have the adequate support and preparation for mixed ability teaching , but they are certainly not against it , or the H M I is certainly not against mixed ability teaching .
12 Y drivers , we know they have their own code , and er what we say is , although we perhaps do n't agree with it ourselves , you do it .
13 But perhaps we do n't really know enough and we do n't know where to go for information , I mean I do n't know er I , I I 'm not an expert but there are experts here , how would you assess the services available to people who feel they do need help , or for people who perhaps do n't know they need help ?
14 This is a side of Russell which people perhaps do n't know about , erm so well as the others , so if I may , I 'll read some passages and paraphrase it .
15 Well yeah but the only point is Susan she perhaps do n't like the smell of orange but then she might go in my room and pee in there if she did n't have nowhere else to go .
16 They have their background , in the church and church matters in England but I personally do n't think it matters if you are not familiar with the details .
17 Sentimentality says that there will always be an England Church , and though you personally do n't do anything about or believe in it , it 's nice that someone does .
18 That 's up to yourself , I personally do n't do it at all
19 I personally do n't feel that all the indicators [ reports and briefings , based on data collected and analyzed ] we do are essential .
20 I personally do n't define revolutionary feminism as that different from radical feminism , I see it as a kind of militant wing of radical feminism .
21 I personally do n't keep copies of all of the brochures
22 I personally do n't get any joy from seeing people reproduce their records exactly on stage ; I want to see something which is special for the night . ’
23 Erm , it 's a very long term thing , and John 's been working through the tenants ' action group on it so I personally do n't know what , what the kind of take up is on that , er
24 I personally do n't know a lot about it apart from the fact that Arthur Scargill went up there and there was a bit of excitement .
25 er , it depends on one 's own tastes , I personally do n't like the open planned that I 've seen in very modern houses where , erm I , I do n't quite know how to express it but it does seem to me odd to be on one floor level and then two feet up you 're on another level and er , that 's one aspect of the open plan that does n't appeal to me and I do n't quite understand why it 's necessary to have everything that 's going on in one room with pieces of furniture designed to act as barriers between the different functions or purposes for which you give parts of the room .
26 I personally do n't like to eat them while I 'm drinking because I get too full , but if I put a plate of pie and peas down in the club they would go like lightning . ’
27 I personally do n't like doing it , because it involves accountancy and all this sort of thing , but erm it erm when you stop and think about it , it 's a , it 's a must .
28 I personally do n't believe that the average English citizen is any less proud of their own country than the average American .
29 I personally do n't find it offensive and being black I 'm the one who 's meant to .
30 I personally do n't deal with recruits but there 's as you know there 's a depot which er
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