Example sentences of "[adv] she [vb -s] she " in BNC.

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1 She looks quite happy ; perhaps she thinks she 's in heaven .
2 " Perhaps she wishes she had n't said that . "
3 And so she imagines she has … this … ’
4 So she does she 's a florist flowers
5 So she knows she may hear from you I am copying this letter to .
6 Well this morning I were listening to er Roy Normal on the , the Welsh radio programmes and he was talking to er various people and he told one young woman who had been in a certain area in world where they were filming , er and she 'd gone to see this filming with Alan Ladd and all these , you know , and anyway she goes she went into the er local chip shop and the er assistant for the film , the labourer came in and ordered , ordered forty packet of chips and er and he was saying oh it were for film you see , so she thought I 'd go down and see what 's happening , so she went down to the pier end and they were all er doing the performance and er , the producer says now all you people there , he says that 's interested , he said would you all go onto the pier , he says and talk he says and read , make it , you know make it interesting , so they all piled onto the pier and er , they filmed what they had to film with the pier in the background and all the people that were on the pier , so this girl was on the film you know , then after it had finished , he thanked everybody , he says now then do n't walk off the pier , he says will you as you 're going off walk past this , the table at the end there and their bloke give them three pound ten a piece
7 But it 's mainly to erm present it to this committee , the trial balance sheet , She does n't quite know how to do that and altogether she feels she just wants she says , how she 's doing it now , at least she wants to check out with somebody , is she doing it how they would do it .
8 They go to the ball , she is indeed admired by everyone there but when they get home she realises she has lost the necklace .
9 But mum said like she 's she 's divorced so sh , she 's forty she 's got like a six year old kid and the kid is really brainy !
10 She goes back therefrequently , and whenever she returns she takes books to distribute in the villages — they are highly prized in Nigeria , where it takes half an average month 's salary to buy a hardback .
11 Alison escaped with only aches and pains from an accident which could easily have claimed her life … now she hopes she can put all the anxiety of the past few months behind her .
12 Now she feels she is ‘ no more nervous than any other nervous person , but I 've had to work at feeling safe again .
13 Now she says she 'd like to do her own show , but points out , ‘ I ca n't ever see myself doing a pompous evening programme wearing a skirt and jacket . ’
14 ‘ I 'm very glad to hear it , my dear , perhaps you 'd pass my comments along the chain of command , because , you see , my wife 's been in the party for 47 years and now she says she 's going to vote for that Natural Law doo-dah .
15 And now she says she loves him ! ’
16 Now she says she ca n't get beyond the facts and maybe one follow-up question .
17 Now she says she 's worried that once they 're back in America she 'll never get them home again .
18 The Witch Fincara has grown very great amongst them — so great that now she believes she can conquer the guardians of light .
19 Well she feels she 's being left out or something
20 Well she says she likes it up there .
21 Well she says she 's phoning you
22 well she says she ca n't understand
23 Well she knows she 's , she 's a bit funny then .
24 Well she 's she 's got a lovely Spaniely head .
25 Well she looks she looks druggy do n't she ?
26 How she wishes she were back in her snug little house , tapping away on her word-processor , dissecting the lexemes of some classic Victorian novel , delicately detaching the hermeneutic code from the proairetic code , the cultural from the symbolic , surrounded by books and files , the gas fire hissing and a cup of coffee steaming at her elbow .
27 On we walk , discussing hobbies , like two old geezers , and she tells e how nice it is to talk to me like this as sometimes she feels she has n't got to know me as well as she would have liked .
28 Sometimes she says she 'll take the kids out to the middle of a lake and drop them in .
29 Do you know she says she 'll do it and then she says she wo n't .
30 ‘ I do n't actually care where she is , ’ said Camille , beginning to lose her fragile temper , ‘ but Mum does , or at least she says she does — she cares about everyone , do n't you , Mum ?
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