Example sentences of "[adv] that have [been] " in BNC.

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1 I wonder how long that 's been there ? ’
2 So that has been the company 's three-pronged strategy in the past year .
3 This is the first issue for a decade or so that has been typeset with the aid of a computer and phototypesetting .
4 So that 's been changed out of that .
5 So that 's been the biggest lesson for me .
6 So that 's been very important , economies of scale are very important in the erm , the growth of manufacturing trade , which is essentially an increase in intra , in intra industry trade , as , as opposed to inter industry trade which is erm the simultaneous import and export of er products from different industries like produce capital goods , so cars and in return you will import erm food products but the majority of the increase in world trade has come from this intra industry variety .
7 So , so that 's been a great improvement I think , erm in recent years and , and in the erm early seventies we , we also went into the business of providing equipment that could be left at rescues , on site , you know it was always tying up a fire engine by taking it there and , and being tied up so we provided these things which we call demountable equipment , which we commonly call the pods and erm
8 So that 's been another step forward I think , in the whole progression , of the Fire Service .
9 I say new civilization , I do n't know that I care about its being so very different from the best that has been , but it must be as good as the best that has been .
10 I say new civilization , I do n't know that I care about its being so very different from the best that has been , but it must be as good as the best that has been .
11 It is possible that a generation of children may grow up deprived of their entitlement — an introduction to the powerful and splendid history of the best that has been thought and said in our language .
12 Some teachers , in starting from " what was there " , even abandoned the attempt to expose students to " the best that has been thought and said " .
13 Not only are these characteristics in stark contrast with the possibilities for ordinary adjectives , they can not hold for these inherently restrictive adjectives unchaperoned by an article : ( 28 ) second had roses on it Max owns best that has been discovered so far
14 But once that 's been accepted you ca n't argue with the price and this jacket 's certain to keep you warm for a few years at least .
15 Once that has been completed the scaffolding will be removed and the Banco di Roma will provide indefinitely for a team of gardeners and maintenance officers to keep the upper walls free of weeds that grow in the crevices , loosening small bits of masonry and concrete that are then dislodged by birds or lizards .
16 Once that has been achieved it is very difficult for a competitor to come from behind .
17 There is , of course , a heater and a heated rear screen and even a wash/wipe mechanism fitted to the hard top but once that has been removed , a five minute , two man job , the driver is at the mercy of the elements unless he is willing to pay extra for the folding soft top .
18 Partly that has been caused by the recession but it has also been triggered by technological advances .
19 Now that had been one hell of a scrap .
20 She had her work to concentrate on , and up till now that had been more than enough to fill her life .
21 Now that has been reached , he will only want to get on with the future . ’
22 Now that has been addressed , particularly by the G M B , and we 've campaigned to have pension funds in employ with employers to be open to all , so everybody can join pension funds .
23 Er we also had one very large , cumbersome machine which carried things like lighting and breathing apparatus , and heavy lifting gear and all the other bits and pieces of rescue equipment , which came along in slow time , now that has been improved upon no end , and they 've got a very modern equipment now for that , erm er modern in the sense that new , new pieces have come on , cutting equipment with hydraulic jaws which er just slice through the top of a car roof , whereas we had to cut it with a hacksaw perhaps , or , or another metal saw , we , these can be done with just like cutting through cheese .
24 Even that has been a mixed blessing .
25 Each change introduces other variants of how to do the job , seldom if ever a total change of direction , although even that has been known to happen .
26 Would n't that have been something ?
27 He wondered just how that had been assessed .
28 Firstly , I am reporting to you that there has been in the current year additional efficiency savings over and above those that previously anticipated er at the level of two hundred thousand pounds and so we are assuming in the budget erm that those can continue into ninety four , five and thereafter , and then we 'll see the resolutions have been amended to take that into account and the text of the erratum sheet explains how that 's been done .
29 ‘ The wonders of modern technology allow them to tell when that 's been done . ’
30 The reason why that 's been preserved is that that part of the wall was never bricked in .
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