Example sentences of "[adv] as they have " in BNC.

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1 Then , just as suddenly as they had grabbed at his throat , the hands released his windpipe and the weight lifted off him .
2 And then , as suddenly as they had appeared , they vanished .
3 Her tears dried as suddenly as they had appeared .
4 They were gone as suddenly as they had come .
5 As suddenly as they had begun , the two men disengaged , as though some unspoken signal had passed between them , and resumed their wary circling .
6 And then , just as suddenly as they 'd started , they stopped .
7 Though it is mistaken to suppose that the British made no effort to leave the Masai better than they found them , it is clear that their potential emergence from the colonial period much as they had entered it was something their administrators could in the end accept with equanimity .
8 Problems of access and transport remained until the 1750s much as they had for centuries , the roads miry and troublesome in winter , the tidal river valleys well-nigh impassable .
9 ’ Some of the older staff have reacted by attempting to do the job much as they have always done it , which means , in effect , engaging in various minor acts of deviance from new bureaucratic demands in order to minimize the trouble caused .
10 " Spain has managed to maintain those areas much as they have been since the Middle Ages , because industrial development here has been much slower than in other European nations .
11 ( c. 1 ) Writing shortly after Charles 's death , he believed that a new generation of both kings and nobles could preserve the realm so long as they had the right personal qualities .
12 People are like chameleons : they can adjust themselves to any environment so long as they 've no alternative .
13 Ailing animals , so long as they have a solvent owner in two , are our bread and butter .
14 So long as they have neighbours within 12″ the Snotlings are not affected by the psychology rules and they do not need to take break tests when they are beaten in hand-to-hand combat .
15 Notwithstanding the views that have found favour with others I consider this to be a reasonable construction of the statutory provisions and I am comforted in the fact that , apart from an attempt to tax airline employees , which was taken to the special commissioners who decided in favour of the taxpayer , this has been the practice of the Inland Revenue in applying the relevant words where they have occurred in the Income Tax Acts for so long as they have been in force , until they initiated the present cases .
16 He said the Government had failed to understand the depth of feeling amongst unionists , especially as they had to share the council chamber with Sinn Fein .
17 He said how much his parents were looking forward to meeting Liza , especially as they had always wanted a daughter .
18 The movies could not hope to escape , especially as they had accumulated a mass audience in one great swoop that bypassed the schools , the churches , the charities , and all the other traditional agencies of cultural influence .
19 Liverpool get a penalty — ‘ suprise suprise ’ ( especially as they had a pen against them during the week , one of very few no doubt ) .
20 She longed to say it to his face , but somehow she could n't quite bring herself to do so , especially as they had just agreed to try to bring about a better working relationship .
21 George and Marie are very disappointed , especially as they have both been working around the clock since the expansion , managing the Brasserie and L'Auberge respectively , interviewing and training new staff ( labour turnover has been high at the Brasserie from the start and is now significantly higher at L'Auberge too ) and filling in whenever necessary at either establishment .
22 Do you want two piece construction to go in as they 've done it , or just one trip in the end ?
23 No if we er do something so as they have a checklist and we can all , you know like me and Jim say , have a copy to say oh right , can we take your name and address , telephone number
24 Dot listened as the grown-ups continued to grumble along as they had done for as long as she could remember , like the harmless rumble of gunfire faraway .
25 The school parties stuck as rigidly together as they had done upon Victoria Station , lacking only their uniforms and labels , disastrously hampered by lack of space .
26 Yes , life had come , but not as they had dreamed it , as the great liberator from restraint and narrowness , but rather as the great enemy , with which he had to fight , fight as he was still fighting today and must fight until the end , with never the hope of victory !
27 The franchise was eventually widened as a result of the Unionist demand , but not as they had expected .
28 ‘ Grimwood reports Newman did arrive and spoilt their act just as they 'd got Lennox to agree to sign .
29 Fierce local loyalties and rivalries were the life-blood of the amateur football leagues just as they had been in parish recreations a century before , and this carried over into commercial spectator sport , which offered a new kind of community life and identity .
30 The only inconvenience of the original interior was that the bedrooms all led into one another ( just as they had always done in houses past : passages were only deemed essential when the segregation of servants became the norm in the eighteenth century ) ; but this was overcome by making a gallery and rearranging the staircase .
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