Example sentences of "[adv] as [verb] in " in BNC.

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1 15.41 Pupils working towards level 10 should learn that attitudes to Standard English and to non-standard varieties , eg as expressed in letters to newspapers , can be based on stereotypes and prescriptive judgement .
2 They should learn to recognise when people 's attitudes to language use , eg as expressed in letters to newspapers , reveal misunderstandings about the nature of language change .
3 If such an experience can be recalled , it usually has the quality of being a person-to-person contact , not necessarily as equals in understanding , but cutting right through the barriers of status and age .
4 But the aim now is not necessarily to liberate sexuality ( the sexual drive ) , but to eroticize the social while at the same time releasing it from the grip of sexuality especially as manifested in the ideology of sexual difference .
5 At the halfway stage in the backswing , the left wrist should be facing straight outwards as shown in the main illustration above .
6 Overall , the most fruitful way to examine the interaction of courts , executives and assemblies is to see them all as engaged in a continuous process by which the law and rights are constantly being defined and redefined .
7 ( 3 ) In the case of an application for the provisional grant of a new licence , the applicant shall , along with his application , lodge with the clerk of the board a plan of the premises in respect of which the application is made ; and arrange for the display at the site of the premises of a notice all as mentioned in subsection ( 2 ) ( ii ) above .
8 Elections for the 14 Assam seats in the Lok Sabha did not take place in as scheduled in November 1989 because electoral rolls were incomplete [ see p. 36977 ] .
9 VAT on domestic fuel will come in as detailed in the last budget .
10 She trotted off again , through a really insalubrious area known as Bligh 's Corner , after some landlord , long dead , and she unconsciously quickened her pace a little so as to arrive in the relatively respectable square where the rectory stood , next door to St Jude 's church where Dr Neil 's household worshipped every Sunday .
11 ( 2 ) The Panel accepts that for reasons of secrecy it is not prudent to make enquiries so as to include in an announcement details of the target 's shares held by other parts of an adviser 's group ( the adviser acting in concert with the offeror for these purposes ) .
12 They should discuss the best way of monitoring loan arrangements within the company so as to put in place a control system to avoid these problems .
13 In his well argued submissions Mr. Wall submitted that the discretion conferred on the court by article 13 ( a ) of the Convention is a discretion to be exercised ( a ) within the context of the purpose and principles laid down by the Convention and ( b ) by applying the criteria contained within the Convention itself , and that it is accordingly not a discretion to exercise the inherent jurisdiction of the court in wardship or under the Children Act 1989 so as to act in what the court perceives to be the best interests of the child .
14 According to Richard Prebble , then Minister for State-owned Enterprises , the two companies would reduce their holding in Telecom to 24.95 per cent each over the next three years so as to keep in line with the government 's planned 49.9 per cent limit on foreign ownership of the company .
15 I devote myself to the modest task of first abstracting from the actual economic policy of the State , which is the resultant of the struggle between two systems of economy , and the corresponding classes , so as to investigate in its pure form the movement towards the optimum of primitive socialist accumulation , to discover the operation of the conflicting tendencies , as far as possible in their pure state , and then try to understand why the resultant in real life proceeds along one particular line and not another .
16 A salient characteristic of the internal structure of' the elite is that it is rational , in the sense that it is structured so as to achieve in a purposeful and conscious manner the objectives of the elite as a whole .
17 We organized at least a dozen ‘ Letters to the Editor ’ each day — these were mainly unsolicited , but we encouraged more — and spread them about so as to appear in a number of newspapers and magazines across the country .
18 While he pretends to foster it loyally all the while so as to stay in contact with it ? ’
19 The trading position of the British economy is one crucial factor here , not only as expressed in the ex post trade balance but also in the constraint posed on expansionary demand management .
20 It is part of the job ( perhaps the main part ) to introduce the principal terms and to convey some sense of what they mean : not only as defined in a dictionary , but also the connotations , the extra shades of meaning appended to words by the people who use them .
21 These terms are best understood by visualising the monofilament as a solid , circular section flexible rod , while twist is a combination of fine threads , wound together as found in a Hawser .
22 Two lossy dielectric materials are joined together as shown in Fig. 3.18. determine the voltages across each material and the surface charge density at the boundary if a voltage V is applied .
23 These can , following Porter , be put together as shown in figure 4.5 .
24 Dcm DNA cytosine-C 5 methyltransferase ( wild-type or Cys177Ser mutant ) was incubated under standard conditions with [ 3 H ] -SAM and a variety of different oligonucleotide duplexes or with [ 3 H ] -SAM alone as indicated in the header of Figure 8 .
25 Whilst the husband and wife as owners of the legal estate can make a conveyance or transfer as trustees to the wife alone as discussed in the previous section , there seems no good reason , when the husband conveys or releases his beneficial interest to the wife , why she should not receive the benefit of the " beneficial owner " covenants ( see Chapter 3 ) .
26 They do not like by-elections , for in them a candidate of their own party may , win or lose , find the opportunity to display himself so advantageously as to become in the next general election a fearsome competitor .
27 Thus as indicated in Chapter 1 , well-defined procedures for the appointment of new teachers , based on previously agreed criteria , should be established .
28 The naive singularity structure of this solution is thus as represented in Figure 3.2 .
29 With this interpretation , the structure of the Khan-Penrose solution is thus as described in Figure 8.4 .
30 Table III gives the patient characteristics of children who recovered and those who did not as noted in the initial history and physical examination .
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