Example sentences of "[adv] not [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Twenty two patients have hitherto not suffered from recurrence of Dieulafoy 's bleeding .
2 Better not talk on the phone , had we ? ’
3 Pons called Fleischmann who said ‘ We had better not talk about this on the phone , ’ already acutely aware of where this might lead .
4 They 'd better not go on that thing .
5 He better not go to Cheryl 's again !
6 There were many other incidents like this one , some even more distasteful , but I 'd better not go into them .
7 Better not think about it .
8 And I had better not think like that , said Fenella silently , or I shall be too afraid to go any nearer .
9 You know , in the past … ’ she trailed off , she could sense that she 'd better not squat on the bidet to wash between her legs in front of Miss Goldilocks .
10 Better not look at your numbers then .
11 I try to accept my countrymen now , but the proud ones , who are so full of their own self-importance — well , they had better not come near me .
12 ( Warning : your proof had better not apply to the H-numbers introduced above ( see exercise 15 below ) nor to some of the number systems introduced in Section 3.6 ( see exercise 3.6.12 ) where this assertion on gcds is false ! )
13 In deference to you , Mr. Speaker , perhaps I had better not respond to the last part of my hon. Friend 's question , but I entirely agree with the spirit of his comments .
14 We 'd better not get into any misunderstandings .
15 ‘ You 'd better not get into a hassle with this guy , ’ Harvey interrupted .
16 ‘ I thought I 'd better not get in everyone 's way . ’
17 That 's what Roy done , you know why , he come into my house and I goes you better not come in my door he 'll attack you .
18 ‘ Wearing a white beret in among Australians , New Zealanders and every type of nationality out there brought some great wolf whistles , which were naturally not received in the right manner .
19 Having lived with the passage for years , I am persuaded that it represents — based , as it plainly is , on Aeneid 1 , 341ff. , and 4 — a response to veteris vestigia flammae drastically at odds with Hardy 's response ( which , as we have seen , Pound had apparently not noticed in any case ) .
20 So in the late 1890s , another attempt , this time apparently not vetoed by the membership , was made to organize a women 's union .
21 Apparently not bleeding to death , or considered worthy of priority , I just had to wait my turn .
22 The joint DES/DHSS nature of the Circular , the necessary involvement of health and social services professionals in the multi-professional assessment , and their part in providing for those with special educational needs , were apparently not seen as sufficient reason for including them in discussions .
23 The secondary resource should provide a means or a vehicle for driving through this pain barrier experienced by many children , but apparently not recognised by many teachers .
24 This principle is reflected in s7 of the Act which provides : Where one partner pledges the credit of the firm for a purpose apparently not connected with the firm 's ordinary course of business , the firm is not bound , unless he is in fact specially authorised by the other partners ; but this section does not affect any personal liability incurred by an individual partner .
25 The NARCOG budget had apparently not stretched to air-conditioning , and there were times when life in Filanta Court was almost insupportable .
26 In 60% of cases referred to the Remuneration Certificate procedure in February and March 1993 , solicitors had apparently not discussed with , or written to , clients about their charges at any stage before sending the bill .
27 I did hear of some people who had trouble getting tickets and that there was a delay in receiving them — some apparently not arriving until the week or even the day before the start but that is the sort of thing which can be learnt from and things will improve on future all-ticket matches .
28 No one could say how long the elderly woman had been lying lifeless in her home , but the authorities told reporters she had apparently not responded to calls since before Hallowe'en .
29 Cox 's preference for understating — or perhaps not looking for — early signs of pathology , even in those of her subjects who later showed it , is understandable if one recalls the origins of her study .
30 André Gide 's Les Fauxmonnayeurs ( 1926 ) , a novel characterized by self-reflexivity and self-consciousness , in which the device of mise en abyme ( or internal duplication ) is especially conspicuous , has perhaps not received from them the kind of attention that could be expected .
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