Example sentences of "[adv] at first [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Brian Lara was dropped low down at first slip by Wessels off his first ball from Snell , and Keith Arthurton , in his first Test for three years , survived two slip catches off no-balls and another actual chance in his top score of 59 , filled with 10 exciting on-side boundaries .
2 The men that stepped out of the car looked suitable enough at first glance .
3 Virtually all libraries did nominate someone as having responsibility for training ( only six libraries did not ) so at first sight it would appear that theoretically at least item ( 1 ) above has been largely fulfilled .
4 The expedition organisers are still hoping he 'll make it to camp for and radio in at first light tomorrow .
5 Not at first sight by the 19th century , which has John Keats reading medicine , Samuel Taylor Coleridge playing with chemistry , and Mary Shelley writing science fiction .
6 In the sciences it is a commonplace , not at first sight disturbing , that physics began by simulating Euclid 's demonstrations in geometry , and that the inverse square law of gravitation became the model for another in electro-magnetism , that ‘ waves ’ of sound or light are suggested by waves on water , and the genetic ‘ code ’ by language .
7 Perhaps I was not at first sight the most employable of people .
8 While these two viewpoints may not at first sight appear to be strikingly different , they do in fact embody two quite opposing ways of approaching the discipline .
9 When , in March , she realised her period was overdue , Liza did not at first worry .
10 The more successful the shops became , the more the branch managers reported back on those lines which sold well , thereby wielding a power which Laura did not at first wish to accept .
11 It was decided that unless they got word of a change in direction from the scouts the Regent had sent to follow the enemy 's route , the Scots host , now numbering some thirteen thousand , would set off at first light , south-westwards , on a converging course .
12 ‘ You are to set off at first light tomorrow .
13 Rogers and Lambert took off at first light to see what was happening .
14 He wondered what he would do if he could n't get into the house … well , he supposed he could go back to Joseph 's place , spend the night there and then hurry home at first light , when the servants would be up .
15 Tower Hamlets declined to make the repayment and Chetnik applied for judicial review of the adverse decision , unsuccessfully at first instance but successfully in the Court of Appeal and in your Lordships ' House .
16 Mr. Beazley invites me to give a very broad interpretation to paragraph 12 of the Kalfelis [ 1988 ] E.C.R. 5565 judgment and to say that all these swap actions fall broadly within the test that it is expedient to hear and determine them together ; he argues that the use of the plural in that paragraph shows that the principle there laid down covers several defendants in groups of actions as well as several defendants in an individual action ; and he submits that there is a risk here of irreconcilable judgments , seeing that both at first instance and thereafter , if the cases proceed up to the appellate process , different decisions may be reached in England and Scotland respectively , on the questions of English law which arise ( there is no suggestion that Scottish law applies to these actions ) .
17 The action had been struck out at first instance , an appeal to the Court of Appeal had failed but a petition for leave to appeal to the House of Lords was still pending .
18 This enables the Bureau to find out at first hand how authorities are tackling the issue and what they need form the centre .
19 It is not advisable to give the dog free run of the car , however , simply because it could damage the interior , by scratching the upholstery , for example , if it wants to come out at first light before you are awake .
20 About the exchange of bird species between closely adjacent islands Wallace noted : ‘ Birds offer us one of the best means of determining the law of distribution ; for though at first sight it would appear that the watery boundaries that kept out the land quadrupeds could be easily passed over by birds , yet practically it is not so ; for if we leave out the aquatic tribes ( seabirds ) which are preeminently wanderers , it is found that the others ( and especially the passeres , or perching birds , which form the vast majority ) are often as strictly limited by straits and arms of the sea as are quadrupeds themselves . ’
21 Now at first sight , all this evidence that the universe looks the same whichever direction we look in might seem to suggest there is something special about our place in the universe .
22 Often at first light he would thrust the bedclothes away and get up to escape those delicious but agonising visions .
23 Perhaps surprisingly at first sight , additional variable capacitance is introduced in parallel with R 2 and additional fixed capacitance in parallel with R 1 .
24 Problem 4 You may , even at first reading , have an uneasy feeling that the proof of ( b ) was not quite what you were expecting and that a more direct proof should be available .
25 Even at first sight the connotations of this expression are distinct , for it seems to rest on the assumption that in other circumstances the addressee would actually be entitled to more .
26 It was an unlikely theory even at first sight .
27 Even at first assessment the difficulties faced by these dementia sufferers are apparent : two-thirds could not identify three coins , three out of five could not name three or four parts of a watch , and one half could not tell the time or correctly select a medicine bottle .
28 GUIL : Which even at first glance does not strike one as a particularly rewarding speculation , in either sense , even without the monkeys .
29 A man she did n't at first recognise .
30 Finally , many of the issues in pragmatics have arisen historically from this particular vantage point , and to understand them one must at least at first approach from the same direction .
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