Example sentences of "[adv] at every [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 We have obviously at every Conference a certain amount also of Constitutional motions , er an organizational motion , and some , and some of tomorrow will be taken up with that as well as the announ , er announcement concerning the elections for the various committees .
2 So at every generation , each individual tends to get a comprehensive mix of the chromosomes that are available in the population .
3 Inter-Service friction has been eased over the years by successive steps taken to concentrate greater power in the hands of the Central staffs as more tri-Service experienced officers have become available ; and to bring the Services closer together at every level of command , and in training and operations .
4 The past becomes a projected image created retrospectively at every moment , just as a ‘ biogram ’ is ‘ the abstracted absolute of your conscious patterns throughout your life ’ .
5 Instead of quitting the music business she should have learned to use it for singing rather than mouthing off at every opportunity .
6 A staircase broad as a major highway wound up through the tree , with vast rooms leading off at every landing .
7 It was played incessantly on the radio and at least once at every dance I went to , and the haunting melody was nearly always in my mind .
8 But also at every age , we can do things which are perhaps just a little beyond our reach .
9 Besides trends that come and go , there are basic pieces that should be snapped up at every opportunity — anything that has been hand-made or finished : beaded and embroidered cashmere cardigans , beautiful lace shirts , superbly cut Thirties and Forties jackets or satin brocade robes .
10 Whichever way you looked at it , that name seemed to come up at every turn : Rose Hilaire mother of Steve , employer of Lily , and niece of a body under Coffin 's floorboards .
11 In the manufacturing counties you see the wheel going almost at every door , the wool and the yarn hanging up at every window , the looms , the winders , the combers , the carders , the dyers , the dressers , all busy ; and the very children as well as the women constantly employed .
12 In the manufacturing counties you see the wheel going at almost every door , the wool and the yarn hanging up at every window , the looms , the winders , the combers , the carders , the dyers , the dressers , all busy ; and the very children , as well as women constantly employed .
13 As a matter of fact , when I 'm talking about , let me see er fifty years ago , there was one up at every back yard , that 's the truth .
14 The six naughtiest dogs in the North-East ranged from Bracken the cairn , who insisted on leaping up at every visitor , to Jessica the fearsome-looking rottweiler .
15 But new barriers were built up at every step , so he continued to seek an opportunity to resign , if this could be done without disobedience to the will of God .
16 Now going back to this handicraft , although I said I really did n't want to be committed to all the meetings , I 'm quite happy to carry on with the handicraft , providing you do n't expect me to turn up at every meeting .
17 Like copepods , these 3–4mm brownish worms thrive in overfed aquaria , and can only be eradicated by syphoning them out at every opportunity , which may take months .
18 Kruger did n't soil himself with the lucre , but Lorre had his fist out at every opportunity , and was wadding the bills into a fat , healthy roll while his master attempted union with the Infinite .
19 This struggle is acted out at every level of society .
20 It was Banting , the crown undertaker , who provided the model for the future ; for he rarely saw a corpse , contracting out at every stage of the proceedings .
21 Somehow my pursuer had guessed correctly at every turn .
22 ‘ But we are being beaten back at every turn , simply because of racial prejudice . ’
23 Resolutions calling for an international strike were passed unanimously at every meeting and there was similar enthusiasm in Liverpool , Cardiff , Glasgow , Belfast , Hull , the north east coast and from mass meetings in Antwerp , Dunkerque , Amsterdam , in Denmark and in Norway , all addressed by a team of NSFU speakers , including Wilson , Cathery and Hopkins .
24 Unfortunately , this had the effect of making it also extremely mobile during transport , and it was sliding about at every bend in the road .
25 In the manufacturing counties you see the wheel going almost at every door , the wool and the yarn hanging up at every window , the looms , the winders , the combers , the carders , the dyers , the dressers , all busy ; and the very children as well as the women constantly employed .
26 Even when there are n't seemingly many jobs for anybody I think a mathematician is probably as well off as anybody to get a job , almost at every level .
27 After we had mounted the third hill , we found the country one continued village , tho' mountainous every way , as before ; hardly a house standing out of a speaking distance from another , and … we could see that almost at every house there was a tenter , and almost on every tenter a piece of cloth , or kersie , or shalloon , for they are three articles of that country 's labour ; from which the sun glancing , and , as I may say , shining ( the white reflecting its rays ) to us , I thought it was the most agreeable sight that I ever saw , for the hills , as I say , rising and falling so thick , and the valleys opening sometimes one way , sometimes another , so that sometimes we could see two or three miles this way , sometimes as far another ; sometimes like the streets near St Giles 's , called the Seven Dials ; we could see through the glades almost every way round us , yet look which way we would , high to the tops , and low to the bottoms , it was all the same ; innumerable houses and tenters , and a white piece upon every tenter .
28 She should have avoided the Glass House , but she went there at every opportunity , and stood beside the streaming panes with her eyes closed , willing herself to capture something .
29 ( By the ‘ original pattern ’ I mean the pattern as designed for single bed knitting , not as punched out for double jacquard ; the double jacquard card is of course moving on at every row . )
30 He refused to talk about his businesswoman wife who often followed his rounds wearing bright , tight dresses and cheering him on at every green .
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