Example sentences of "[adv] he go [adv prt] " in BNC.

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1 Yeah , well that 's only he went up and down there .
2 Perhaps he went up to double check , in case we missed something . ’
3 Now , however , Freud expands that concept as well and interestingly enough he goes back to the first term he used for repression .
4 So he goes on pushing deadlines , working all-nighters , rewriting , calling back , quite apart from the copious travelling and general fretting that is a Sunday writer 's regular burden .
5 So he goes out and starts the number and I followed with the guitar intro — you know , the tapping thing — and it turned the whole gig around .
6 So he goes out into the storm and into wild nature , together with ‘ the wolf and the owl ’ , while his daughters and son-in-law close their doors on him ( 306ff . ) .
7 So he goes out there and they all turn round and say , stuff you , I 'm not coming in to clean up for four pound and hour which again equates to six pound an hour .
8 So he goes out and th and his wife comes in and she 's how did he take it ?
9 So he goes back and I heard no more of it .
10 So he went on , from one technique to another : watercolour drawings , line engravings , lithography , line cuts , designs for pottery .
11 And so he went on through the calculator to get the number of ways for ten buttons — 3,628,800 .
12 So he went round to the pool and noticed , at first , how the neat tables were littered with old newspapers and the ashtrays loaded with cigar ends .
13 She projected a sort of calm , a lack of strife , and so he went over to join her .
14 So he went up and had a scan and they s they checked it and of course when they checked the scan they noticed that his kid one of his kidneys had n't been functioning for a long time .
15 So he went down and tried again , this time successfully .
16 So he went down and it was Kelly he spoke to and er she said he
17 But , she was telling the story of a man who was travelling over the moor and it was many years ago on horseback and er he was completely lost and wan , it was getting dark and he wanted to stay somewhere for the night and he sort of travelled and could n't see anywhere and eventually down a long drive he saw a house wi , blazing with lights so he went down this house and er , all the windows were alight , you know were lit up and he knocked at the door and knocked at the door , and knocked at the door and could n't get any answer , no one ever came to the door so in desperation he thought well this is no good !
18 So he went back to a boy — one of the best , came highly recommended .
19 So he went back to bed and slid in beside the now silent , still figure of Emily , and nursed his throbbing right wrist with his left hand and imagined himself as one of those recumbent stone knights you sometimes see in churches , stretched out with arms crossed at the breast , cold and grey and dead , feeling no pain .
20 So he went back to his palace and sent a message telling the princess that she and her husband were forgiven .
21 So he went back to Emminster to tell his parents his new plan .
22 so he went back and he says er , oh he says er he says oh dear like , he says well carry on he says I 'll have to take the door off , so he says can you give a hand to hold it , cos he had to cut er this er like and all grown at the bottom of the door you know with
23 So he went back up onto the main road and very little further on , in fact , he in fact found a village and spent the night at the hostelry and he said to the man in the hostelry you know , he that he 'd been lost and that a a little bit back on the road he 'd seen this big house all alight and he had erm , you know , gone in the drive and tried to get get a room there but could n't make anybody hear and the erm the inn keeper said , no he said er you would n't make anyone hear there , he said and if you go back there tomorrow the house wo n't be there !
24 so he went back on the night time , got the bags how embarrassing , he did it
25 He was too restless to sleep any more so he went out for a walk .
26 And I did n't have time to cook so he went out , cos I broke it last night , well I was alright up to lunchtime .
27 So he went out to the car and asked mother how old is Rod ?
28 Well the , the , the , the , the sort of , the sort of background as I have seen it he never struck me as being particularly clever or bright it 's just that he always seemed to be very well taught and academically successful and exams never seemed an undue problem , and so he went off to Wolverhampton Poly which he selected for , you know , all the usual reasons , reasonable place , reasonable course , a reasonable this a reasonable that , tt erm to do computer science which of course all the kids want to do now erm twentieth centu no it is n't it 's a sort of nineteen eighties version of wanting to be an engine driver is n't it ?
29 They all want to be so he went off to be a computer scientist and either he was too interested in er what he describes as cult television which you think
30 when he went in mum started crying she said Lyn he ai n't coming back he ai n't coming back I said he might mum , he 's just might so anyway that was , at one o'clock he went down , quarter past five , ring , we kept saying can you ring and see if , and they rung said be out the operating theatre to tell us how far they 'd got and what was happening , he 's had four units of blood
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