Example sentences of "[adv] be within the " in BNC.

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1 In many instances , such arrangements would only be within the means of high earners .
2 To clarify that we established yesterday that the new settlement will not necessarily be within the Greater York area , as it is defined on the plan on the board .
3 According to the Iszvestiya report of June 19 the deficit would stand at 27,000 million roubles and would thus be within the limit set by the IMF .
4 These new agencies will generally be within the civil service , and their star-f will continue to be civil servants .
5 If the claim is one which relates to employment matters it will normally be within the jurisdiction of the industrial tribunal .
6 On the other hand , contagious diseases should normally be within the definition , and workers with HIV/AIDS would be within the protected class .
7 The ‘ unit of desire ’ however , is admitted to be a presumption , but if it were possible to prove with scientific exactitude that it really existed then it would not be within the province of religion at all , but of science .
8 Nor would there be any point in living in such a village unless one were largely prepared to conform to its public mores since otherwise one could not be within the community in any real sense .
9 Warrants are also required to be reported within shareholders ' funds , provided they do not contain an obligation to transfer economic benefits ( in which case they would not be within the definition of warrants contained in the [ draft ] FRS ) .
10 Membership of tribunals should not be within the patronage of the Minister , the decisions of whose officials are under review .
11 The independent contractor may not be within the reach of the paragraph .
12 Professor Williams defends the man 's right to utter such threats and considers that he should not be within the section 's scope :
13 If she does so and the husband purchases the replacement house for her , and she occupies it on the same terms , a subsequent transfer to her of that house will not be within the terms of the concession ( see p18 ) because that house will never have been a matrimonial home .
14 I and 2.0% suggesting that some of them may still be within the gas window .
15 Faculty supporters counter that the faculty would still be within the Institute and that the benefits would far outweigh the potential risk .
16 As the search intensified , a firm in Lincoln surfaced who could supply and erect a new building 200′ by 100′ and still be within the budget considered by NAM .
17 He said this would be all right since on my return I should still be within the age limit for joining the Political Service .
18 However , as explained at page 32 below , dealings on exchanges which are not recognised investment exchanges ( RIEs ) or designated investment exchanges ( DIEs ) may in fact be treated as " off-exchange " for the purposes of the COB Rules ; moreover , qualifying futures contracts may still be within the money market exemption ( see page 24 below ) provided that they are not bought or sold , or expressed to be as bought or sold , on an RIE .
19 ( 3 ) The tenant should try to insert reference to the tenant being construed to be : the tenant for the time being or better still : while this Lease shall be vested in the Tenant This is to obviate the remote possibility of an argument as to whether the bankruptcy or liquidation of the original tenant ( after an assignment ) who will presumably still be within the definition of " the Tenant " could affect the re-entry provisions contained in the lease .
20 However wrong the opinion expressed may be in point of truth , or however prejudiced the writer , it may still be within the prescribed limit .
21 If the principle does not comprehend such payments , as the majority of the Court of Appeal held to be the case , then there are other situations covered by the provisions which would also be within the ambit of the Woolwich principle .
22 They consider that the new settlement should should n't be within the wi within areas which would affect their future workings .
23 Now I also agree that these criteria are not of equal importance and I certainly would put the greatest weight on criterion one which is to avoid the greenbelt in fact I think it 's so important that it should n't be a criterion but it should be actually be within the preamble as it is now .
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