Example sentences of "[adv] be [verb] [coord] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ It could be that it 's just something that Bob is allergic to , but it had better be investigated and some sample testing done in case we need to get on to the manufacturers .
2 It was hard to adjust to a normal life ; to no longer fearing that the door would suddenly be opened and somebody would come to take us away ; to the thought that there might soon be more food ; and that we might be able to travel further afield than Parma or even Trieste .
3 In any case , the vacuous character of ( 14 ) and ( 15 ) can apparently be reduced or even made to disappear by various means without changing the elements or touching the intensional relations which bind them together .
4 The father earning a living or the mother keeping house could rightly be listed but try listing much more specific , yet practical , expressions of love .
5 When the subject enters the political arena and becomes politically controversial , we assume an elective silence on the political issues and confine ourselves , if we intervene at all , to constitutional or legal questions or views on practical matters affecting the law and its administration where our views may naturally be expected and sought .
6 Some other explanation of the solution must obviously be sought and is probably to be found in diurnal variations of the carbon dioxide content of the inshore waters .
7 Such a ‘ stable door ’ approach would obviously be limited and unsatisfactory .
8 If there is an overall theme to the party this will obviously be used but , if not , then something simple like ‘ pink and white ’ would help .
9 Sometimes the incompleteness need merely be noted and its extent reported , but other calculations are sensitive to incomplete data and the missing entries must be estimated .
10 The question now seems to be : will Government policy be changed or will implementation of the closure plan merely be delayed or modified ?
11 Our chances of ending the war quickly would certainly be greatly increased if the battle were won ; but if we failed to win it , even after what had already been achieved , our victory would merely be postponed and not rendered impossible , especially if we resolved in good time not to persist with our useless efforts at Verdun , but to take the initiative of attack elsewhere .
12 And I know a lot of things too with the girls who came to us , we tried to erm give them er a sense of their worth as a women and not to constantly be oppressed and to accept erm what their boyfriends did or said , and so on .
13 This upset conservatives who insisted , inaccurately , that schemata could only be accepted or amended , not rejected .
14 This could only be detected and corrected by the user .
15 However , this enthusiasm to convey solutions to pupils often ends up by precluding the pupils ' own ideas and can not only be inhibiting but also take away the pupils ' enjoyment of getting there themselves .
16 It could only be wrestling and the worst sort — American wrestling .
17 The UNEP report concludes that the Aral Sea can only be saved and the ecological balance restored by increasing the water flow down the tributaries .
18 This earthly world was depleted of all powers at the end of creation time history ; after that time the community could only be achieved and continuously recreated through individuals carefully taking , with the help of the ruwatu , limited amounts of transformational forces to do so from the gods .
19 There 's an important element in this crisis and , in a sense , the government 's reaction , belated as it is , shows a recognition that the crisis , as it affects gay people , can only be stopped or delayed , deferred or whatever through involvement with the gay community — and that 's an odd recognition in this climate .
20 Version ranges can only be extended and modules may not be deleted from the displayed list .
21 It may be that there is a special rule for reservation of title clauses : this is examined below ( Chapter 10 ) but subject to that possible exception , once a contract has been made , its terms can only be altered or supplemented by a variation , and such variation will only be effective if it is supported by consideration .
22 If he wanted to refer a patient to a nursing home and the social work team recommended district nursing in the patient 's own home , he would not only be overruled but also have to foot the bill for the nurse .
23 The trouble is that the Scottish Education Department disagrees with both of us and insists that religious observance must not only be reinstated but also reinforced .
24 This unrest , under the circumstances , can only be limited and circumstantial .
25 The Hindus have discovered that the Absolute can only be realized or thought of , or stated through the relative .
26 The claim of a holy Gad that those who have fellowship with him should not only be acquitted and accounted righteous , but actually and progressively be made righteous in an ethical sense is strongly brought out in the Pauline letters .
27 She said she thought she would only be frisked but was told to strip .
28 In either case , we need to recognize that the uniqueness of the person can really only be handled and sustained by God .
29 Due to its size , it can only be handled and converted by merchants with large enough bandsaws .
30 … These rights , resting substantially upon contract , can only be lost or curtailed by such inequitable conduct on the part of a mortgagee … as may amount to a violation or culpable neglect of his duty under the contract .
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