Example sentences of "[adv] that no [adj] " in BNC.

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No Sentence
1 Is the guard comprehensive , so that no immediate openings are visible ?
2 It was firmly fastened , of course , so that no floppy monster could flip it up and wander underground for lunch .
3 Second , it was assumed that the gas would be evenly mixed in the air , so that no dangerous concentrations would occur .
4 Insight into its operation is gained by considering the balanced condition in which node-pair potential difference V 1 equals the attenuated output potential difference AV so that no current flows through the connecting branch XY .
5 The conditions for perfect competition are that : ( a ) there should be many small firms producing identical products ( so that no individual firm can influence the price of the product or the wage rate ) ; ( b ) there should be many individual workers ( so that no one of them can influence the wage rate ) ; ( c ) there should be perfect mobility of all factors of production ; ( d ) all labour and jobs should be homogeneous ; ( e ) there should be perfect information on the part of all buyers and sellers ; ( f ) wages and prices should be perfectly flexible , upwards and downwards .
6 The conditions for perfect competition are that : ( a ) there should be many small firms producing identical products ( so that no individual firm can influence the price of the product or the wage rate ) ; ( b ) there should be many individual workers ( so that no one of them can influence the wage rate ) ; ( c ) there should be perfect mobility of all factors of production ; ( d ) all labour and jobs should be homogeneous ; ( e ) there should be perfect information on the part of all buyers and sellers ; ( f ) wages and prices should be perfectly flexible , upwards and downwards .
7 Snizort , on his own account , offered the Twelve Knights who had sat at a round table so that no one of them should be at its head and no one at its foot .
8 It is in the interests of each individual therefore to proclaim clearly among the confusion of swarming fish , that its particular niche is occupied so that no other individual of the same species will poach its territory .
9 By the induction assumption m has at most k roots in J. Since m is uniquely determined by f and x — b ( so that no other polynomial m1 , say , can supply up to k more roots ) the assertion follows .
10 A state of this task consists of a chess board , with up to eight pieces on it so that no two pieces are on a common row or file or diagonal .
11 This in its turn was so successful that , within four months of its introduction in 1949 , the available places for the next four years had been booked , so that no new applications could be considered for admissions before 1953 ! 1949 also saw the introduction of Rugby football in place of Association , " to make better use of the space " , a decision then and since deplored and regretted by the Old Stopfordians ' Football Club .
12 I hope it will be possible for the operation of the Regulations to be suspended until the courts have considered the matter , so that no unnecessary injustice is caused to those who would lose legal aid as a result of these proposals . ’
13 If the government increases the money supply to increase the price level to engineer a fall in the real wage , actors can be expected to be fully aware of this and hence to adjust the nominal wage so that no real purchase on the economy can be obtained .
14 This unexpected situation seems to arise because , when the molten lava enters the water , a layer of steam bubbles forms around it immediately , and this forms an effective insulating blanket , so that no violent interaction is possible .
15 In 1004 Henry II ordered a halt in his campaign in Italy so that no Christian blood would be shed at Easter .
16 That makes nonsense of the planning procedure and adds to the difficulties of the local objectors , which already include the 9 kg of paper produced by the roads directorate in Scotland , so that no proper analysis or preparation of arguments can be done in advance .
17 When he was finally slain in battle , he asked that his severed head be buried facing the ocean so that no foreign armies could set foot in Ireland without him knowing it .
18 Deep carpet covered the floors and the stairs swept up to the showrooms and the warren of workrooms beyond , and though the window drapes and furnishings were ever-so-slightly faded , as if they had seen better days , they were of the finest silks and velvets and every corner was swept , polished and cleaned daily so that no single speck of dust , let alone a cobweb , dared show itself .
19 Darwin 's ‘ tree ’ of evolutionary relationships had a radiating pattern of divergent branches so that no single branch could be said to represent the goal towards which all the others were moving .
20 The best way of preventing scale , however , is to replace the cylinder with an indirect one where the same water is circulated round and round the ‘ primary ’ circuit ( the one which passes through the boiler ) which , once it has given up its chemical salts , is in effect softened so that no more will be deposited .
21 It includes as special cases both eqn ( 2.63 ) ( when Dn2 is zero inside the metal ) , and eqn ( 2.72 ) ( when both dielectrics are perfect so that no free charges can reside on the boundary surface ) .
22 In ( b ) the triadic system is avoided completely , so that no conventional triads are used or suggested .
23 We had been divided four to a room , with a Corporal in each and with the different nationalities split so that no nationalistic factions developed .
24 We believe that it is right to have a minimum deterrent so that no potential aggressor can think that this country could be attacked and that they could be unaffected by any retaliation .
25 John was relieved when the executors of Ravel 's estate announced their objection to the use of that concert music for a ballet , so that no further performances could be given and , in consequence , the ballet was never shown in New York .
26 Having paid the commission on the shares at the time when the options were bought , the investor is deemed to be the ‘ retrospective ’ owner of the shares so that no further commission is due .
27 It is yellowish , with a G-type spectrum , and is actually a close binary , though the components are so close together that no ordinary telescope will separate them .
28 McLeish indicated equally economically that no more drinks would be required .
29 It is suggested above that no public library can satisfy demand for all these types of material — least of all at a time of diminishing resources .
30 Suffice it to observe meanwhile that no great arithmetical nous is required to work out a formula indicating the limit of the WGMS 's capacity to rectify anomalies .
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