Example sentences of "[adv] it would [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Furthermore it would never purchase items brought up in such a way , as this would give support to these operations .
2 so it would n't be that they interruptions listening necessarily it would just be that would n't expect to have to .
3 Oh yeah , and his dog , yeah likes it as well yeah , they used to leave a tray out for him every night , yeah when it was closing time the dog knew every time it closed , it wo , I mean if they closed at lunchtime it would n't come down it would only come down when they closed up at night .
4 Now there are chairs available for additional speakers so if they would come down it would certainly expedite the business of congress .
5 Perhaps it would even go to the faculty building when he retired , and they could take the world trip he dreamed of .
6 Perhaps it would just be best to walk away this time .
7 Or perhaps it would only seem like that .
8 If he reasonably does not discover his right until a short time before the last days of the three months have elapsed , then obviously it would probably not be reasonably practicable to give notice in time .
9 So it would pretty well train you up as engineers by the t by the time you 'd done that then ?
10 Indeed , you had , you had thought about it and so it would just have been a case of saying , yes , this is obvious .
11 Now this time we 're here for four weeks so it would probably be that they want to get everybody through this time without anybody escaping the net .
12 It is too small to appeal to many so it would probably make only £10 at auction .
13 So it would probably be better to mention it to her , but say you 'll be discreet , not record anything that .
14 Yeah , so if he 's off again at the end of that year , we look at inflation , what 's it done , so it would now go up and it would now be , let's say , eleven hundred pounds a month .
15 So it would actually be very straightforward to do this , although not a couple of problems in this model that we ought to just say something about alright , the specification of four does present a couple of problems right .
16 So so it would about four days .
17 So it would certainly be naive to think that whenever people felt unhappy erm it was er was some kind of pathology and that , that evolution could n't explain it , and it may just be that the women feel a bit fed up because of hormonal changes and it does n't awfully much , it 's just one of things you pay for being a mother .
18 Soon it would simply burst .
19 ‘ Mortmain' , or dead hand , refers to the fact that the church was an undying institution so that any land which it held in fee ( or freehold ) was never vacated by the death of its owner or came into the possession of a minor or an heiress ; thus it would never revert ( or escheat ) to the chief lord for the duration of the vacancy or minority , so depriving him of the valuable rights of wardship and marriage appertaining to feudal tenure .
20 I thought that anyway it would always come in useful .
21 This was not of itself disastrous — after tonight it would once more be his profession — but whereas painting had a tangible end result ( two , if he included the recompense ) , pursuit and seduction always left him naked and empty-handed .
22 If the incoming Conservative Government had not swept them away at once it would today seem no less difficult to abolish the ‘ social service , of subsidised food than the ‘ social service ’ of subsidised housing .
23 Before proceeding further it would perhaps be as well to dispel one or two myths .
24 If selection tried to choose DNA molecules directly it would hardly find any criterion by which to do so .
25 So when we went to Stylus Records and Telstar you know they were more than than happy to have because they seemed but I think that at at the start had we been looking for somebody here to take us over probably it would never have happened .
26 For example , if at P the parcel had no motion in the east-west direction across the planet 's surface and the planet 's axial rotation is prograde then it will pick up motion across the grid towards the east , and in moving northwards will end up for example at Q. If it were in the southern hemisphere and moved southward it would also pick up an eastwards movement .
27 If I had left the move till later it would probably have been much more traumatic .
28 And the Protestants ' only hope of redressing the imbalance of power created by the French lay in turning to the English , even though they well knew that protestations of Anglo-Scottish friendship and desire for union in no way wiped out the instinctive hostility between Scots and English which ran so deep that half a century later it would still cause grievous problems for the first king of Britain .
29 Twenty-four hours later it would still have required access to a crystal ball to predict the result after some of the most enthralling encounters seen on a golf course since man first put club to ball .
30 Even if it was found later it would hardly cause comment .
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