Example sentences of "[adv] to the other " in BNC.

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1 They brought me down that day from Edinburgh , bundled me into a transit van with seats but no windows , handcuffed to a big quiet London lad who would n't talk to me at all and did n't even say much to the other two cops in the back of the transit just sat staring ahead and we seemed to drive all night just stopping once at some service station on the Ml , took a while to arrange everything , then they came in with a selection of cans of soft drinks and sandwiches and pasties and pork pies and chocolate and we all sat there munching then they asked me did I need the toilet and I said yes and they opened the door and it was straight over the grass into the gents ' toilets , two cops guarding the door and some men , looked like truckers , standing watching me , waiting for their turn after I 'd had my private visit ; only wanted a pee but I could n't do it even though the big lad was n't actually watching just having him standing there handcuffed to me was enough so they checked the stalls and then took the cuffs off me and I had to leave the door open a crack while I went , then back out and I see the other cop cars Christ a Range Rover and a Senator too I 'm a fucking VIP , then it 's into the van and on with the journey to London where the questioning starts ; they 're concentrating on Sir Rufus 's murder , for now , because they found a card a fucking business card in the woods near the burned cottage ; not mine that would have been too obvious but a card from a guy I know on Jane 's Defence Weekly with some scribbled notes on the back :
2 Each owes much to the other , but one will be the more popular .
3 Spooning the garlic and ginger paste into the snapper and over their skin , he dropped the first three fish on to the grill and called down to the other Latinos to bring plates and cutlery from the galley .
4 Malleson carried my things down to the other block under his greatcoat and I followed him down the path about twenty yards behind .
5 Yes well the , the question is that I notice in the assets that investments at cost were twenty five million , the present market value is twenty eight million , indeed since that 's been written it may even be more and when I looked down to the other side of the accounts , I noticed interest on capital of twelve hundred and four pounds and I wonder where the interest from the twenty eight million has gone to .
6 15.3.1 rights granted hereunder to the other Parties in relation to the Party in default 's Background , technical information and intellectual property rights
7 De Gaulle wanted the agricultural settlement but was not prepared to accept it at the price of giving in to the other five and the Commission on the issues of resourcing and budgetary control .
8 but you can do it because you know you can go back home as it were in to the other area .
9 From the same console , log in to the other two servers and follow exactly the same procedures , except that you type login rbg-2/supervisor and login rbg/supervisor , using the other passwords supplied .
10 A straight mantleshelf will appeal to the bold or those unconcerned by the prospect of knees or feet catching the underside of the projection causing this impasse , while the downright devious will immediately start to shuffle , heart in the mouth , leftwards to the other side of the arête , from where a straightforward step up gains the shelf and relief .
11 Without it , human diseases picked up by contact with their late owners could easily have been spread not only to the other apes at the station but to forest-living orangs with whom they mixed .
12 Foolish in that it gave a great deal away to the other woman , and she could tell the woman looked at her as someone who could be aggressive and perhaps a bit vulgar , someone who said things which ought never even to have been thought .
13 ‘ One of our sons was with us for eight months before going away to the other end of the earth — I could n't even phone him .
14 He managed to get away to the other side of the ring but Grant , who calls himself The Terminator , slashed away with both hands , forcing the stoppage .
15 You will wake the dog , ’ Theda chided in a low tone , moving away to the other side of the room by the desk where they had ministered to Hector 's hurt .
16 She zipped her jeans and sauntered back downstairs to the other side of the table from Lucy .
17 Could n't she go downstairs to the other telephone ?
18 Lucy said yes and Jay led her through to the other room .
19 The lyrics deal with teenage frustrations and breaking through to the other side .
20 One after another , men failed in their attempts to drive the nails , usually succeeding in bending them , so I was proud when Dad , using the skill gained over so many years at the anvil , gave his nail an almighty thump sending it through to the other side of the board .
21 The trouble was that the salt had permeated the walls and penetrated through to the other side , where beads of moisture coming through the plaster accounted for the detachment of the wallpaper , which by this time was hanging loose in a depressing and derelict manner .
22 He 'd never ceased to find fascination within its pages , for it was Maybellome 's intention to make an encyclopaedia listing all the flora , fauna , languages , sciences , ideas , moral perspectives — in short , anything that occurred to her — that had found their way from the Fifth Dominion , the Place of the Succulent Rock , through to the other worlds .
23 It 's much easier to get through to the other side of the world than to the other side of London , and the lines are much clearer too .
24 Finally about quarter to eight he shoots through to the other room and finds Dick and Joy Hardy there , they were supposed to be picking Gwen up and bringing her round .
25 For , although Clare would never reveal the details of their relationship , and although Mrs Mallory would never tell anyone about their conversation of that afternoon , some hint of his disgrace would inevitably filter through to the other members of the family whom he loved : Mr Mallory , the twins , Patrick , Patricia …
26 Just as it began to break we burst through to the other side and we were safe into smoother water .
27 I put two dishes on His Royal Highness 's table and Sid took the rest through to the other kitchen . ’
28 Des is through to the other platform while I 'm spitting out phlegm .
29 She got stiffly to her feet and walked obediently through to the other room .
30 If I change a number here , you 'll notice , si since I change that number here it recalculates through to the other file .
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