Example sentences of "[adv] the british government " in BNC.

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1 And so the British Government decided that Britain would remain independent unless there was a genuine change of heart in Washington that would allow the passage of a formal treaty through Congress .
2 So the British Government was required to introduce legislation to regulate the circumstances in which the power to tap may be used , but no guidance was given as to what should be the content of the legislation .
3 Is it not time that the Government stood up and were counted by telling the Turkish Government to remove their troops from occupied Cyprus and saying that if they do not do so the British Government will veto any attempt by Turkey to join the EC ?
4 Nevertheless the British government refused to assign its Polaris submarines permanently and unambiguously to Nato , or to include them in any of the current multinational or multilateral ( MLF ) schemes being floated by the Americans .
5 Thus the British government acquired a powder-mill of its own in 1759 , though it seems to have made little use of it , and another in 1787 .
6 Can not the British Government instigate action at the United Nations to prevent the Israeli authorities from using television to tell the truth in these matters ?
7 Whether or not the British Government translates WHO advice into health education , changes its policy of subsidising foods high in saturated fat , such as meat and dairy produce , or finds funds to promote fruit and vegetables , remains to be seen .
8 on that point er would the er minister indicate whether or not the British government supports the attitude of the French government because of course the British government at the time of the Edinburgh summit were wholly in favour of the agreement to require the European parliament to meet both in Brussels and in Strasbourg and therefore I assume that there 's an identity of interest between the British government and the French government on this question since the French government are maintaining their er opposition to the er six extra seats simply because they want to see a new parliament building constructed in Strasbourg , is that a position that the British government supports ?
9 Meanwhile the British Government acts as a neutral observer .
10 Moreover the British Government and the Federal Republic mean something quite different about democratic accountability .
11 Both sides undertook to take steps to implement these proposals once the British government had established that they would be acceptable to the people of Rhodesia as a whole .
12 Hence the British government adopted a broader approach to membership of the EC than a basic CU framework would dictate ( British Government White Paper 1971 ) .
13 IT 'S incredible that both the British Government and the European Commission plan cuts in overseas aid .
14 The policy of Her Majesty 's Government , which is to support the efforts of the Secretary-General of the United Nations is the wisest policy for both the British Government and other Governments in the Community .
15 Just as aware as Napoleon III that royal connections could be made to serve a diplomatic turn , Bismarck had used Princess Victoria , wife of the Crown Prince Frederick , as a means of sounding out the British government as to its possible reactions to Leopold 's candidature .
16 By now the British government was plunged headlong into preparations for selling off the water industry .
17 Several years ago the British Government boldly declared itself ‘ conservationist by instinct ’ .
18 Two months ago the British government took out advertisements in regional newspapers in Germany encouraging business to come to Britain to take advantage of low labour costs compared to elsewhere in the E C. The advertisement proudly noted that the labour cost index for Britain is one hundred , compared to one seventy eight in Germany .
19 Was not that change in turn due to a realisation by the Soviet Government that the Governments of western countries , particularly the British Government , were not going to adopt a policy of one-sided nuclear disarmament , despite the urgings of Opposition Members ?
20 ‘ Sinn Fein is not the IRA and is not involved in any violence , a position which even the British Government now accepts , so we are not in a position to call on the IRA to end its campaign .
21 If David Owen is talking to terrorists , why do n't the British government talk to Gerry Addams ?
22 If it continues to abdicate its responsibilities then the British government must act immediately in its place .
23 As part of the Minister 's continued opposition to settlements , can he say how the British Government , as a member of the troika , will discharge their responsibilities under the recent protocol signed with Israel and the European Economic Community to ensure that none of the money will go to any Israeli projects with any connection with settlements on the west bank or Gaza ?
24 When the Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State for the Environment replies to the debate , I hope that he will tell us how the British Government will apportion the 24 delegates from the United Kingdom who will represent us on that new body , the committee of regional and local authorities .
25 Nevertheless , local newspaper reports say Peking is concerned that this could further fuel calls for greater democracy in Hong Kong , where the British government now seems more committed to increasing the pace of political reform .
26 Yet the British Government was responsible under Clause 75 of the Government of Ireland Act for everything that goes on in Northern Ireland .
27 Another significant report appeared in 1961 , when the British government appointed a working party to determine the basic requirements for an efficient public library service , with particular reference to authorities of under 40,000 population .
28 It is interesting that in the last hundred years , periods of relatively stable prices were periods when the British government did not have discretionary control over money supply growth — namely the pre-First World War gold standard and the Bretton Woods System — whereas periods of inflation and deflation have occurred when the system is anchorless .
29 It was put into practice by Truman in March 1947 when the British government informed the USA that it was no longer able to aid the Greek government in its civil war with left-wing forces .
30 One problem relates to the grammatical word " have " when it is used to express past tense ( the " perfect " use of " have " ) : Women have been particularly targeted in magazines , especially during the Second World War , when the British government has realised the importance of women 's magazines as a channel of communication .
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