Example sentences of "[adv] and [verb] a " in BNC.

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1 Whatever might have been the prosaic reason for his initial posting to Masai District , an officer who stayed long enough and had a sufficiently striking personality could expect to become locally famous not only for his love of the Masai but also for the love they bore for him .
2 ‘ Eventually they can turn professional if they 're good enough and earn a fair bob or two .
3 The evidence given by the HM Inspectorate ( Scotland ) to the 1968 Select Committee is however complete enough and shows a good spread of backgrounds .
4 ‘ It confirmed that I don ‘ t exercise enough and suggested a programme of swimming and walking .
5 As a preliminary to the ceremony , the Northern Ireland Royal Marine Band will march through Middlesbrough at 2pm and give a performance on the Russell Street boulevard .
6 They cooperate better and take an active part in their recovery .
7 But , Prof Richard De La Rue , of the university 's department of electronics and electrical engineering , and his team hope to go 20 times better and develop a cable which will transmit ten billion pulses , or two million simultaneous telephone calls .
8 He got up suddenly and placed a pile of clothes on the end of the bed .
9 The boy sat up suddenly and laughed a strange , low laugh .
10 I went inside and saw a beautiful work which the artist had done on the other side .
11 Now the place has an aura which is so enticing and unexpected in this quiet rural area that few people can pass by without stopping to go inside and become a part of the idyllic scene .
12 Ripley beat Paul Parker on the left , cut inside and hit a low cross to the near post .
13 ‘ Well , come inside and have a cup of tea , ’ she said , and showed me into the front room of the house .
14 ‘ Come inside and have a cup of tea , ’ suggested Jenny .
15 She heard a shuffling inside and gave a small sigh of relief .
16 Would the balance of power tilt further ; would the liberal constitution of limited participation and limited intervention be forced to expand outwards and assume a liberal-democratic form in which all adults had the vote ?
17 The rear leg acts like a springboard , tensing the back foot outwards and facilitating a fast forward movement .
18 Joseph leaned outwards and aimed a violent retaliatory blow at his brother 's midriff , but at that moment both rickshaws swerved apart and skidded to a halt .
19 Bleeding from the nose is quite common in pregnancy ; pinch the nose gently and hold a cold , wet handkerchief to it .
20 For the second period of ten years again I discount down the full agency rates , totalling fifty nine thousand four hundred and twenty one pounds and ninety six pence year yearly , to the sum of forty thousand pounds annually and to apply a multiplier of six , producing the figure of two hundred and forty thousand pounds for the second period .
21 Then I went below and got a handkerchief and helped Hands tie up the great bleeding wound in his leg .
22 Then check it is clear below and attempt a straight stall , followed by a few stalls in very gentle turns .
23 Join The Women 's Press Bookclub as an annual member on the coupon below and receive a free copy of Not A Man To Match Her : A Feminist View of Britain 's First Woman Prime Minister by Wendy Webster ( The Women 's Press , £6.95 ) .
24 Karen went below and found a table in the cafeteria .
25 Her camp confirms the lengths to which Kylie is prepared to go to maintain the environment-friendly campaign and reveals she REFUSES to handle everyday plastics , because they can not be broken down naturally and pose a threat to the habitat .
26 He suddenly let her go , turning away impatiently and pressing a bell .
27 If Lahore symbolized military power , Victoria Terminus represented a scientific and commercial dominance which could suck in and re-process a whole range of other cultures .
28 Oil had leaked in and formed a rainbow sheen on the surface .
29 President Nicéphore Soglo , who was flown to hospital in Paris on March 28 after defeating Mathieu Kérékou in the presidential elections [ see p. 38084 ] , flew home on April 3 to be sworn in and to appoint a provisional government , before returning to Paris for further treatment on April 13 .
30 But Alexander could not hold it against the Edoni , local tribesmen , which may have given the Athenians the idea that they could move in and plant a colony ( 465 ) .
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