Example sentences of "[pron] may [be] for " in BNC.

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1 ( s ) To support and subscribe to any charitable or public object and to support and subscribe to any institution , society , or club which may be for the benefit of the Company or its Directors or employees , or may be connected with any town or place where the Company carried on business ; to give or award pensions , annuities , gratuities , and superannuation or other allowances or benefits or charitable aid and generally to provide advantages , facilities and services for any persons who are or have been Directors of , or who are or have been employed by , or who are serving or have served the Company , or any company which is a subsidiary of the Company or the holding company of the Company or a fellow subsidiary of the Company or the predecessors in business of the Company or of any such subsidiary , holding or fellow subsidiary company and to the wives , widows , children and other relatives and dependants of such persons ; to make payments towards insurance ; and to set up , establish , support and maintain superannuation and other fund or schemes ( whether contributory or non-contributory ) for the benefit of any such persons and of their wives , widows , children and their relatives and dependants ; and to set up , establish , support and maintain profit sharing schemes for the benefit of any of the employees of the Company or share purchase schemes for the benefit of any of the solicitor or registered foreign lawyer employees of the Company and to lend money to any such employees or to trustees on their behalf to enable any such purchase schemes to be established or maintained .
2 ( s ) To support and subscribe to any charitable or public object and to support and subscribe to any institution , society , or club which may be for the benefit of the Company or its Directors or employees , or may be connected with any town or place where the Company carried on business ; to give or award pensions , annuities , gratuities , and superannuation or other allowances or benefits or charitable aid and generally to provide advantages , facilities and services for any persons who are or have been Directors of , or who are or have been employed by , or who are serving or have served the Company , or any company which is a subsidiary of the Company or the holding company of the Company or a fellow subsidiary of the Company or the predecessors in business of the Company or of any such subsidiary , holding or fellow subsidiary company and to the wives , widows , children and other relatives and dependants of such persons ; to make payments towards insurance ; and to set up , establish , support and maintain superannuation and other fund or schemes ( whether contributory or non-contributory ) for the benefit of any such persons and of their wives , widows , children and their relatives and dependants ; and to set up , establish , support and maintain profit sharing schemes for the benefit of any of the employees of the Company or share purchase schemes for the benefit of any of the solicitor or registered foreign lawyer employees of the Company and to lend money to any such employees or to trustees on their behalf to enable any such purchase schemes to be established or maintained .
3 According to them , to accept the legitimacy of an authority is simply to accept that whatever other reasons there may be for a certain action , its being required by the authority is an additional reason for its performance .
4 It is possible that there may be for instance some appalling typographical gremlin er has crept in to something so that something makes a nonsense .
5 They may be for longer periods of time , for various investment purposes .
6 So — hard as it may be for some people to believe — we disinfected the whole place , sloshing the stuff everywhere .
7 Among the free churches there is no set system of redundancy procedure as there is for the Anglican Church , so that it may be for officials from the local congregation to decide if and how to dispose of vacant church property .
8 In many of the large catchments to which the DoE refers , impact of nitrate may now be over the limit for only a week each year , but in future it may be for two weeks , then three , then a month or more : when does the UK propose to take action ?
9 It may be for this reason that Yugoslav official statistics of trade are frequently expressed in terms of dollars or , strictly speaking , in ‘ statistical ’ dollars .
10 Tempting as it may be for the harassed mother to jump at the chance of sending her three year old to playschool every morning , imagine the devastating effect this can have when it coincides with the arrival in the home of a brand new baby .
11 It may be for everyone who comes to buy a ticket , but those who do choose to go are a small minority of the population .
12 It may be for a perfectly simple reason , for example a partner may have found a job which entails moving out of the area .
13 It may be for this reason that governments committed to full employment are likely to allow the money supply to rise when faced with excessive wage claims or with rising import prices in the economy .
14 ( It may be for this reason that all South Met.
15 It is important to remember that there are risks attached to being kind to people in this state , and important also not to underestimate how difficult it may be for such people to reach out on their own .
16 It is there , and it will not go away , however hard the authors of the Gospels have tried to disguise it — and however embarrassing it may be for later Christian tradition .
17 They build up in your tank , unless replaced by regular water changes , and while fish seem able to stand a steady build -up , however unpleasant it may be for them , new fish will die when introduced to higher levels .
18 ‘ Now it is a general rule , that no court of limited jurisdiction can give itself jurisdiction by a wrong decision on a point collateral to the merits of the case upon which the limit to its jurisdiction depends ; and however its decision may be final on all particulars , making up together that subject-matter which , if true , is within its jurisdiction , and , however necessary in many cases it may be for it to make a preliminary inquiry , whether some collateral matter be or be not within the limits , yet , upon this preliminary question , its decision must always be open to inquiry in the superior Court . ’
19 After all , it may be for the best .
20 It may be for the best , man , ’ Agnew was saying , ‘ though God knows I know how you must feel .
21 ‘ Actually , hard as it may be for you to believe , I did come for a reason . ’
22 Before I call the proposer and the seconder of the motion on the Loyal Address , it may be for the convenience of hon. Members if I inform the House that the proposed subjects for debate for the rest of this week and for next week are as follows :
23 We are all familiar with that quaint parliamentary phrase , ’ It may be for the convenience of Members ’ , and then some information is imparted that is often for anything but the convenience of hon. Members .
24 Or it may be for rule breach , such as a late delivery under the LIFFE Bund contract .
25 The hearer is being trusted to take a large share of the responsibility in imagining what it may be for the speaker to be past his youth , and the result is a wide range of weak implicatures .
26 Even where targets are met , it may be for the ‘ wrong ’ reasons ; for example , where an enterprise has considerable monopoly power , it can achieve its targets by manipulation of prices or a reduction in the quality of service .
27 Ownership of the entity and what may be for sale .
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