Example sentences of "[adv] [adj -er] [noun] of " in BNC.

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1 Williamson 's romanticism and nature worship , on a rather lower level of theoretical conceptualisation , was to owe much to the books of Richard Jefferies , in particular the sunlight imagery of much of his work .
2 He found that the Devon , although it was small , gave him good quantities of good beef and rather lower quantities of very creamy milk .
3 When allowance is made for the rather lower gravity of Venus than of the Earth , and the consequent lower degree of internal compression , then the uncompressed densities of the Earth and Venus would be similar .
4 The island of Hawaii alone seems to have a long-term average rate of construction of over 0.4 km 3 a- 1 , while Iceland has sustained a rate of about 0.13 km 3 a- 1 during historic time , and a rather lower average of 0.06 km 3 a - 1 over the past 16 Ma .
5 It appears that black males and females of West Indian origin have a strikingly lower prevalence of both hypercholesterolaemia and hypertriglyceridaemia compared to those of Asian or European extract ( Pacy et al , 1985 ) .
6 Major award schools , on the other hand , started from a conspicuously lower threshold of library provision and use .
7 However , if one has a black hole around , there seems to be a rather easier way of violating the second law : just throw some matter with a lot of entropy , such as a box of gas , down the black hole .
8 They are driven by an altogether broader set of changes in the conditions under which information is circulated and exchanged as a commodity .
9 Now the bounds are becoming blurred and they take on rather broader questions of the social good and morality , personal and public .
10 These views are similar to those of Heyer , Roberts and Williams ( 1981 ) who discuss rather broader issues of rural development .
11 Business men who are borrowers naturally want lower interest rates , but I am afraid that the Government have to take a rather broader view of what is in the interests of the economy .
12 In the rather broader context of a graduated test scheme , evidence of mastery would be needed so that ( i ) a pupil 's achievements could be informatively reported ( e.g. for certification ) , and ( ii ) to indicate readiness for further learning to be undertaken at the next level of a scheme .
13 One of the somewhat stranger requirements of companies in enterprise zones was that they would have to provide central government with only minimal statistical information .
14 The sky above Quatre Bras was dirtied by the camp-fires , but to the east the rising sun betrayed a much vaster quantity of rising woodsmoke .
15 Although a large proportion of the population has visual impairment the availability of appropriate glasses or contact lenses means that a much lower percentage of the population has a visual disability .
16 ‘ While it is almost inevitable that in any money laundering activity a credit or financial institution will be involved , ’ FRAG says , ‘ there is a much lower probability of an accountant being involved …
17 Rank for rank , East India Company officers received double the pay of an officer of a royal regiment , while serving in a country with a much lower cost of living .
18 This is a much lower threshold of liability than the notion of violence that underlay the common law concept .
19 Perhaps not surprisingly , in view of its negative association with alcoholism , patients with alcoholic liver disease have a much lower incidence of the deficient ADLH2*2 allele compared with controls , with no ALDH2*2 homozygotes and only occasional heterozygotes in the disease populations studied .
20 The sales revenue from their smaller circulations covered a much lower proportion of costs ; but the greater purchasing power of their readers , some of whom spent ‘ corporate ’ money , not just their own personal incomes , enabled the qualities to charge far higher advertising rates and break even at circulation levels completely unrealistic for the populars .
21 While this downswing will not be as sharp as the previous downturn ( in 1979-81 ) , not least given the very much lower level of inflation that we now have , a dull 1989 is bound to be followed by a difficult 1990 . ’
22 Optimal scaffolding is that which promotes the highest level of functioning with the minimal level of support ; a child who is having difficulty in making herself understood may require a great deal of support ; a few minutes later that same child dealing with a different topic may become relatively fluent and require a much lower level of adult participation .
23 Without such basic knowledge , you might gain some small insight into the sport , but at a much lower level of appreciation than if you had done some reading in advance .
24 This is no longer necessary ; fear for one 's personal safety is a much lower level of alarm .
25 By contrast , exceptional items in 1991 increased profits by £184 million ( £107 million after tax ) when the profit on sale of operations exceeded a much lower level of restructuring costs .
26 This is a much lower level of use than either Edinburgh or Glasgow , but in view of the standard of service observed on this occasion , it is impossible to say whether this usage figure represents lower demand , or merely laxity in control .
27 These margins exhibit a much lower level of tectonic activity than the active margins located along convergent plate boundaries and are consequently termed passive continental margins ( or simply passive margins ) .
28 Furthermore , P. bracteatum can provide up to 37 kg of codeine per hectare , compared with the opium poppy 's much lower yield of 3 kg per hectare .
29 In Wales the amount of development plan grants paid for drainage increased 3.5 times , and for grassland improvement 3.2 times , between 1979/80 and 1982/83 compared with a rise of 74% for farm buildings ( the latter then attracting a much lower rate of grant ) .
30 Follow up of our patients showed a much lower rate of sudden death ( two out of 156 or 1.3% , leaving out the patient who died before admission ) .
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