Example sentences of "[adv] [n mass] do [not/n't] " in BNC.

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1 Property was also cheaper in Bristol than in London and so staff did not have to pay increased housing costs .
2 Obviously people do n't like to part with their heirlooms — it 's like parting with something of their existence , a sort of death in life .
3 Obviously people do not wait until the end of the utterance before deciding on an interpretation .
4 It was bad cos there was no money , no money about at all , nineteen twenty six strike and what have you and no there was no money at all so people did n't want their babies did they ?
5 He do n't talk too much cos his English ai n't so good , so people do n't really bother to talk back .
6 But nevertheless , agreeing with you to some extent , there are issues in local government , there are issues but s even so people do n't vote .
7 So people do n't get mixed up about what exactly we mean and to help when you 're reading it .
8 So people do n't blame him for the consequences of Versailles ?
9 So people do n't feel as though they 're sat in a wide ai wide open
10 ACCORDING to a recent survey only 35pc of party goers in the North find cold-sores a major turn-off while in the South only 35pc do n't .
11 There was something in Mrs Maugham 's solid air of conscious rectitude that threw a faint shadow of guilt over everyone who approached her , though as often as not people did not know why they were guilty : her disapprovals were so vast and public , her approvals so private and ill-chartered that all immediately cast themselves as goats in the discrimination of her gaze .
12 And erm I think generally people do n't realize how quite unique that is. erm one thing , of course , which is also not erm very readily understood , is the involvement of the legal person , the Clerk to the Justices , in the system , so that with the three Justices you 'll having sitting you 'll have sitting below them the legally qualified Clerk , and I suppose it 's this particular feature of the system which is difficult for people abroad to comprehend _ how a legally qualified person can be sitting there without dominating the proceedings .
13 the Tories are gon na introduce their alternative , but they 're still going to through this banding system , the whole objective of that is to , is to make sure that the better off people do n't pay their full whack
14 Erm so I think possibly people do n't really feel responsible for that , for those , that space within the flats which is n't actually right outside their front door .
15 A nationwide study has revealed that the managers surveyed are of those Managers nearly 80% do n't take the holiday their entitled to .
16 The dis-ease that people feel when things begin to go wrong , and their ability to stay calm and competent frays at the edges , is itself a feeling that OK people do not have , and it becomes yet another cause for concern and an occasion for self-doubt .
17 You do n't worry about offending them ( OK people do n't get offended ) .
18 Now people do n't think it 's fanciful . ’
19 Now people do n't come here and say , Oh I 'll have a look at somebody else , they come here and buy .
20 Quite often people do n't need a computer , what they need is a slightly different manual system , and I tell them that quite often , they 're very , very pleased , they think they 've saved themselves two or three thousand pounds at least .
21 I think that often people did n't realise how tired and desperate they were until they 'd sat with her for a while .
22 At Great Dunmow Inspector Martin Reed said often people did not take enough care when leaving their cars , which could remain unlocked , or with keys in the ignition .
23 they want normal speech , they do n't even people do n't even know it 's been going on .
24 Well people do n't understand the system and they do n't think that things will affect them .
25 Well people do n't want to pay sixty quid for a P A , cos
26 Maybe people do n't like my face .
27 Your question about why are n't women angry — maybe people do n't express anger until they can see that there is some point in being angry and that being angry actually helps you to change things .
28 This edition of poems is a bit different , but then people do n't remain the same either ; experiences colour one 's outlook , and being two years older , I must have more to write about !
29 Then people do n't argue then
30 Sometimes people did not even know their neighbours .
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