Example sentences of "[adv] [be] that they " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Indeed , ’ said Bishop Jon , ‘ 't is to be hoped that the two saintly souls got on well together in life ( if so be that they ever met at all , which I take leave to doubt ) now that the lord King has made a packet of them , so to speak , for posterity .
2 The final reason for ignoring human actors can only be that they do not matter .
3 Er I mean it could just be that they do n't like it , so anything which they do n't like is grating or
4 We might think that any differences reflected poorer performance but it may just be that they merely reflect the different impact of specific price changes on drugs compared with books .
5 Speaking on a visit to Magherafelt he said : ‘ All I can say is that the community 's reply will always be that they will not be moved by this type of thing , ’ he said .
6 In this case it would possibly be that they had the name of the subscriber but …
7 It may also be that they did not want to listen to difficult questions we wanted to put . ’
8 Now this time we 're here for four weeks so it would probably be that they want to get everybody through this time without anybody escaping the net .
9 It could equally be that they had spotted my men following them and were attempting to shake them off . ’
10 Ordinary domestic horses always suffered greatly in tropical Africa , and it could simply be that they attract more insects than zebras .
11 Therefore , one further reason why policemen dislike dealing with rape might well be that they feel uneasy about having to ask the very personal questions which are necessary in order for the victim to be taken seriously , and on the occasion quoted above the sergeant went on to say that as a result of asking for these very personal details policemen ‘ have had a very bad rap over dealing with rape cases ’ ( FN 16/3/87 , p. 14 ) .
12 Even if the tentative identification of the advantages of specialist working for this client group were to be confirmed by more extensive data , it may well be that they could be offset by other features of a generic social work service to the area .
13 If there were any genuine cultural universals it could well be that they are universal because they are " natural " , i.e. a part of our genetic endowment .
14 It may well be that they 're doing it , with er other ways of doing it and er that 's , that 's discussion , but I do actually think that there is sometimes something to be said , and I think a group can say it more easily than individual , is if you want something done , do it , but do n't come along and complain .
15 No , because it may well be that they said oh we 've covered audio description before , nothing new
16 Include it in that , those twelve weeks because I know it 's , you know , a bit erm I would try and see if I could set up some sex education with the health centre and the , you know , that she used to take them and they went through contraception and condoms and whatever at the , and she used to take them down for an afternoon it might well be that they have to miss a lesson
17 I would certainly advise anybody to look at the policy , and if they want more cover speak to the dealer that they bought the vehicle from , because it may well be that they could have erm a much , much greater cover which is of more value to them .
18 so it would n't be that they interruptions listening necessarily it would just be that would n't expect to have to .
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