Example sentences of "[adv] [be] a [adj] " in BNC.

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1 One , what is it , it 'd better be a good one
2 And it better be a nice one !
3 I think you 'd better be a financial adviser — one of the bank 's backroom boys .
4 Now David that 's quite enough be a good boy
5 But this , he says , would be fatal to the attempt to know ‘ I ’ by description : ‘ It would obviously be a vicious circle if I described ‘ I ’ as being that bundle of states of which my use of the word is a member , and then distinguished that bundle from other groups by describing it as that group of mental states which are states of ‘ I ’ . ’
6 This guide price will obviously be a useful benchmark from which to evaluate any indicative offers .
7 This is a play for two characters , Siegfried Sassoon and Wilfred Owen , the World War One poets , and it would obviously be a good thing to read some of their poetry as a background to performing this piece .
8 Which would obviously be a necessary change to make if it was going to relieve the western bypass .
9 There will obviously be a considerable overlap of requirements for these categories of musician — real life is never so simple .
10 Usually it is the weak , undersized and malformed beasts that are weeded out , not the finest , which would obviously be a selfdefeating exercise .
11 The scheme will obviously be a permanent and beneficial part of health care in this country but is , I am sure , susceptible to improvement and further development , which I shall promote .
12 The history of such a loose collection , even for such a short period as 1945 — 90 , could obviously be a large enterprise .
13 So be a good boy and remove the masking tape from your hamster 's mouth and zip up your little trousers . ’
14 So be a good chap and just look at the sights , do a little shopping , try to get to a football game … ’
15 So be a little bit cautious .
16 The implication of the term is not only that it is a privileged group but that , as a result , its members will not desire change and so be a conservative force in society .
17 He left the room , smoothing his hair back with that gesture that was a habit with him , as though letting his hair down would literally be a bad thing .
18 If they are , your phone call will merely be a slight irritant , but if there is no appropriate slot at that particular time your call could cause enough irritation to prevent the material ever seeing the light of day .
19 It was not simply a matter of switching the definitions of crime from what the working class do to what the capitalist class do ( that would merely be a transitional strategy ) ; in the socialist society both upper- and lower-class crime would disappear since there would be ‘ a set of social arrangements in which there would be no politically , economically and socially-induced need to criminalise deviance ’ ( Taylor , Walton and Young , 1973 , p. 270 ) .
20 Words articulate our experience of things , they do not just express or reflect it ; they give form to what , without language and other sign-systems , would merely be a chaotic and undifferentiated jumble of ideas ; instead of things determining the meaning of words , words determine the meaning of things .
21 In the Berg judgment , Mr Justice Hobhouse considered the timing of Union Discount 's alleged reliance on the 1982 accounts : ‘ Furthermore , there would only be a limited period of time within which it would be reasonably foreseeable that a bank or discount house would rely upon a given set of audited accounts .
22 Conditions ( 1 ) and ( 2 ) alone clearly are not enough and there can only be a limited number of ways of thinking of conditions which give the same results as ( 3 ) and ( 4 ) .
23 The unusual juxtaposition of these two words can only be a subconscious association in the author 's mind with the well-known carol , The Twelve Days of Christmas whose repetitive chorus ends , ‘ And a partridge in a pear-tree . ’
24 The end result might only be a slight scratch , but the potential might have been in that situation for something a lot worse .
25 The sun must only be a rare visitor to this mysterious landscape where spring flowers push through the slowly melting ice .
26 Though from what I 've read about eighteenth-century Eton , anything that came after that could only be a pleasant relief . ’
27 Air transport moves quickly and this excellent book can only be a 1992 snapshot of a complex industry — however it is expensive .
28 It was for them that Paul Rotha spoke when he declared : ‘ The dialogue film , at its best , can only be a poor substitute for the stage . ’
29 It is an important test , for impotence will not only be a poor recommendation of Community cohesion ; it could make it all the more difficult to stem the tide of bloody anarchy that could so easily engulf large tracts of Europe which we recently rejoiced to see set free .
30 IF England could hold their own against Pakistan , it would not only be a great achievement , but one which would make all the difference to their chances of regaining the Ashes from Australia in 1993 .
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