Example sentences of "[adv] [adv prt] to [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The child struggled gamely on to page two but Seemed to suspect that , after a page turn of this quality , anything else was liable to be an anti-climax .
2 The sun , incandescent orange , dropped slowly on to pier 56 and made the buttes of mid-town Manhattan shine like fool 's gold .
3 Performance indicators quickly became used as a diagnostic tool to " inform " the accountability reviews which in turn developed " from departmental monitoring of broad strategies to deep monitoring of short-term operational plans and of control systems stretching right down to unit level " ( Harrison et al.
4 They would n't , the miners hardly got anything and there used to be soup kitchens for us and er when it first started in nineteen twenty six and er I was pregnant with my second one and I used to walk right down to Pit with a lace , great big lace basket , they would n't let the men fetch the coal and we had to push the coal from there right to the , oh they 've no idea love , no idea .
5 They get right down to business .
6 Church had followed his Albatros right down to ground level .
7 It needs to make access top information simple , right down to desktop level .
8 Skinhead tastes are ‘ right down to earth ’ .
9 Then a few drops of water fell on the side and fell right down to earth .
10 And I reckon they 'll carry on down to Christmas .
11 When last heard of Uncle Charles had been keeping a Malaysian girl less than half his.age in a Vancouver penthouse but George managed to recall some less interesting small-talk and like winged seeds the conversation spiralled delicately down to business .
12 Aware that the dress had a fey , other-worldish air that was light-years away from her own rather down to earth personality , Laura gave a nervous shrug of her shoulders .
13 The oxidation of carbohydrates requires the presence of an electron transport system which in most nematodes can operate aerobically down to oxygen tensions of 5.0 mm Hg or less .
14 We climbed in on to plank benches , and in a moment we were off .
15 Do not make the mistake of putting the two sets of shoulder stitches back to working position and running the whole lot together on to waste yarn as this can be a nuisance when you need to unravel parts of the waste yarn while you join the shoulders together .
16 The chats sound untutored and Cockney , but there 's depth here : ‘ Ununited Kingdom ’ puts down on to vinyl some of the chaos of London life , the violent , wasteful mess of street trouble — not that you can hear it too clearly .
17 just after the third stile , path goes over footbridge and drops down on to shore , where turn left .
18 For lid sitting down on to container , the single excursion in the container relationship must be opposite to that for the lid and one of the possible five in the other relationship .
19 SHe lay back , pulling Tammuz' head down on to hir breast , where he closed his eyes in a relief that was , strangely , both enervating and exhilarating .
20 Right down on to Street now .
21 And , even as I hurled the word down on to paper in my headlong rush , I could n't help correcting his solecism .
22 You can now see why Christianity is so radical and so down to earth .
23 I s I was still only down to sort of eleven stone , but if I get to like ten stone
24 Then you could get a , a piece of wood very , very rough , understand me and then cast and then you could get the cast in down to exaction , you follow what I mean and then er you could what you want .
25 There are some strange flights of fancy and there are also some extremely down to earth not to say earthy observations .
26 Janacek writes words as he writes music — the two were for him virtually indivisible , and in these abrupt , epigrammatic paragraphs , sometimes brutally down to earth , sometimes fanciful , you can hear him talking — often shouting in your ear .
27 Cos I could n't be bothered and I was n't dressed and it would be going all over to south London .
28 ‘ Of course , if I were with you , Nancy would have us all over to dinner . ’
29 A rock awash outside the reef entrance was 100 metres or so off to port . ’
30 Community midwives used to have to visit every mum , as a minimum , twice a day up to postnatal day three , and then daily up to day ten .
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