Example sentences of "[adv] [was/were] [art] time " in BNC.

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1 Their first years together were a time of grinding poverty .
2 Tonight was the time .
3 Rufus told himself now was no time to go hunting for libraries , he would go home first .
4 He still felt naked and drained after the speech , yet now was the time to be weaving more individuals firmly into thy spreading fabric .
5 Now was the time to do it .
6 She felt very strongly that now was the time to start a new phase , when at last her life would be her own .
7 The breakthrough had been made but now was the time to confirm her arrival as a major talent .
8 Although Reagan 's knowledge of foreign affairs was non-existent , to the point where if he was not prompted he often had no idea which country he was talking about , he needed little convincing by the American intelligence agencies that now was the time for America to start waging a secret war against its enemies .
9 Now was the time for this good man to go with all speed and energy to the aid of his immune system .
10 Now was the time .
11 Now was the time .
12 Now was the time to attack the bombers , as they pulled out of their dives , snaking low over the water , slow and cumbersome .
13 Now was the time the comrades had dreaded , when they would have to move over and allow the company to be managed by the ‘ persons of experience and ability ’ as they had promised in the prospectus .
14 Now was the time to begin preparation in earnest , a pair of overalls was pressed into my hands .
15 Commenting on the letter , Bishop Kelly said that now was the time for Britain to act in support of a world free from the threat of nuclear weapons .
16 Now was the time to straighten the accounts .
17 Had someone or something decided that now was the time to be serious ?
18 Now was the time to take him .
19 And perhaps now was the time .
20 Now was the time to tell her .
21 Now was the time to say no , to deny him while the pressured timbre of his voice still echoed in her mind , threatening whatever barriers had withstood his onslaught to date .
22 Now was the time to tell him who and what she was , but she could not spoil this magic moment ; it was McAllister he loved , not Sally-Anne Tunstall , and she would not ruin her perfect afternoon .
23 He would be bald before he was fifty but I did n't think now was the time to tell him .
24 Given the blurring of the distinction between banks and building societies , it was felt that now was the time to drop those measures ( M1 and M3 ) which included bank deposits but not building society deposits .
25 ‘ I 've never met her , ’ she replied quietly , and deciding that now was the time to come clean — albeit that she would be lying in her teeth , ‘ She , Miss Pankracova , arranged an interview for — er — me , with Mr Vendelin Gajdusek for last Friday , only he — ’
26 Oh , grief , she thought and suspected that now was the time she must get in with her interview questions .
27 They were told , now was the time to find the courage to stand up to terrorists ,
28 She spoke sadly , as though to a twenty-four-year-old there really was a time of lost innocence , and I suppose , if the twenty-four-year-old was a cocaine addict , then there was indeed such a time .
29 Yet there really was a time when people seriously doubted whether Britain was governable any more ; when we appeared to be doomed to decline ; when our friends pitied us ; when envy masqueraded as economic policy .
30 There really was a time when some thought that trade union leaders were more important than the Prime Minister and the Cabinet ; when families were stopped from buying the council homes they lived in ; when we were taxed more heavily on our incomes and savings than almost anyone else in the developed world ; when many of our most important industries were run at enormous loss by the State .
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