Example sentences of "[adv] [vb -s] in [art] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Carry On goes in a seven-year cycle .
2 THREE side-by-side playgoers in the Buxton Opera House dress circle followed the text in their Signet Shakespeares throughout this four-hour Lear .
3 They will treat the mining industry and the country in a responsible way and will maintain reserves of fuel which the country so badly needs in the medium and long term .
4 In concert , Pollini 's almost super-human control is just as evident , yet he normally allows himself a degree of flexbility which one rarely encounters in the studio .
5 Therefore the strength of the partnership as a form presumably lies in the large amount of shared knowledge about the business arising from the nature of the people employed in it , that is , in the special nature of its shareholders .
6 Winning Soling regattas with a match racing component had given these two Olympic gold medallists enough points in the rankings table to be invited to Auckland .
7 When using these procedures , there is obviously the danger that the materials themselves will invite the child to perform certain actions ( the spoon naturally goes in the cup ) , irrespective of whether or not the child understands the instructions .
8 At the same time his status seems to have caused him to be associated with campaigns which took place after his death : the invasion of Italy by Buccelin , which rightly belongs in the reign of Theudebald , was assigned by Gregory to that of his father .
9 It has become commonplace to observe that the precious yet precarious Churchill Ian , stiff-upper-lip culture which only materializes in the midst of national adversity — underneath the arches , down in the air-raid shelters where Britannia enjoyed her finest hours — is something from which blacks are excluded .
10 The other , instinctively realizing the danger , swiftly retreats in a reflex movement of social and theological withdrawal , but all that it does from then on is marked by a deepening social and intellectual insecurity .
11 Galatians 3 , 28 is quoted : ‘ There is neither male nor female for you are all one in Christ Jesus ’ as though sexual differences were subsumed in a common humanity which alone counts in the scheme of redemption .
12 Pip 's relationship with Magwitch somewhat develops in the opposite direction .
13 Then , scientists worried that if microbes such as E. coli which naturally lives in the human gut , escaped from a laboratory carrying foreign genes , they could colonise the gut and flood the body with protein .
14 The key function none the less lies in the drawing up of the legislation ; deciding what should go into a bill and what should be omitted , and how the proposals should be drafted .
15 They will go to the concert , Beuno and Elizabeth and Hywel all together , and they will sing ; but not Elizabeth , who only hums in the house and who will be watching all the time to see if he is there .
16 Brand only advertises in the gay mags and , to judge from those present , that 's where he gets his clients .
17 The size of the societies falls away very sharply after the top five , and even more so below the top 20 , so risks in a merger are much more limited .
18 We had discussed this business of how people 's appearance literally alters in the eyes of their lovers , and suddenly I blushed , for it seemed to me he must be remembering this too , and that we must be looking for the same thing , as one might take down an old book in a moment of hungry nostalgia and start to re-read , hoping it may provide the same remembered enchantment as before .
19 Vitamin A deficiency usually only occurs in the presence of a grossly inadequate diet or when severe digestion problems exist .
20 responses of the adult human being are first generated , perfect symmetry only occurs in the unusual relationship that may develop between identical twins .
21 The steep limestone cliffs around Torbay have become a focus for some of the hardest climbs in the book , including the awesome Caveman on Berry Head , and the steeply impending Free The Sprit , in Anstey 's Cove .
22 However , because the sun not only participates in the daily rotation of the heavens from east to west but also has its own slow annual motion relative to the stars in the opposite direction , different heliacal risings occur throughout the year .
23 Not much happens in the novel .
24 The anxiety and anger is then taken away and suddenly erupts in the family environment , placing stress on other members of the household .
25 However , it is important to emphasize this step in the process because failure to do so results in a concept of assessment which is limited to a relatively unskilled , technical task of data collection .
26 All this can be put on a quantitative basis and doing so results in the celebrated condition written unc that is , the product of the uncertainties in position and momentum is always at least of the order of magnitude of Planck 's constant .
27 ‘ This sort of thing only happens in the movies , not during filming . ’
28 Occasionally we all suffer from influenza or a bout of sickness , which naturally results in a drop in weight .
29 Immunological memory therefore apparently resides in a population with a more rapid rate of division .
30 Kurt continually espouses the former , dismisses alternative accounts not easily available to us without adequately representing them ( I would be fascinated , for example , to read Willi Bauer 's account of the events of early August 1986 ) , and by doing so stimulates in the sceptical reader nagging doubts about the designs of the text upon us , about the egocentricities of its other emotional pleadings .
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