Example sentences of "[adv] [to-vb] about [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 He might visit from time to time should a story miserable enough to write about crop up , but there was no way he was going to edit the paper from there .
2 Workers who can be exposed to excessively cold weather conditions have not only to know about survival measures during over-exposure , but be able and willing to carry them out .
3 I received a strong impression that it was not enough to know about injustice and suffering ; practical solutions had to be found .
4 Been in combat long enough to know about fall-back positions in case things go wrong . ’
5 I was just going to say , I was just saying , that I saw the posters that erm parents and carers should erm , go along to talk about parenting and at the bottom it said , erm , will be selling multi-racial toys and dolls and things like that .
6 They were mixing and mingling , her guests ; the young were speaking to the old , men were speaking to women , Left was speaking to Right , art unto science , and only a few impossible old dullards of the financial world had drifted together to talk about pay comparability and public sector borrowing and the GNP .
7 In addition to its obvious use as a cultural asset , we might also provide part-time courses for local people to come in to learn about Art History and to use the collections in the Barber as their source material .
8 More than eight out of 10 consumers , out of a sample of about 1,500 , said their consumption of meat and fish was unaffected by health considerations and 60% did not care about calories , while more than half claimed not to worry about calories , while more than half claimed not to worry about salt , sugar or caffeine .
9 Gorbachev ordered a blockade on Lithuania ; and he told angry workers in Sverdlovsk not to worry about food .
10 ‘ Do you know , he told me not to worry about supper tonight but to enjoy my afternoon out .
11 We had agreed not to talk about fitting-out problems and we lay in the sun drinking from the bottle Iain had humped up in his backpack .
12 . What I want to come on to now is just to talk about nonlinearity , and still with reference to demand elasticities .
13 She tried not to think about Finn because then she felt weak and hopeless .
14 I I 'm trying not to think about way I feel on Christmas morning cos
15 If such links are not built , schooling will suffer from being not only detached from the lifelong vision of education and retraining which is foreseen by the CBI , the TECs and the NCVQ but also from appearing not to care about continuity , feed-through and quality assurance .
16 Labour like to talk about unemployment but , while the Conservative Government works to bring unemployment down , the Labour Party are busily embracing policies to put the unemployment rate up .
17 I 'll sa I 'll have a bit more to say about stimulus response coupling in a second .
18 PC Hall , a 38-year-old father of two , was well enough yesterday to complain about hospital food which he refused to eat .
19 Let us digress slightly to talk about efficiency in agriculture , comparing fairly modern production of wheat , which is a very efficient crop in the USA , with production of wheat from bullock-power in India .
20 At the start of the decade the 2-Tone bands were keeping everybody up to scratch about racism , and by the end of it a member of Duran Duran had bought himself a house in South Africa .
21 This week I rang up to inquire about train times and was assisted by the most delightful man I have encountered in two decades of dealing with BR .
22 They need also to learn about assessment , from school exams through graded tests to GCSE and A & S levels .
23 It gives you the opportunity , not only to concentrate on legal work , but also to learn about management and the way institutions work .
24 The replies ranged from ‘ not much ’ , because the school had a bursar , to ‘ all day ’ , because a non-teaching head ‘ has to do something all day ’ or because the head was always seen to be going out to talk about devolution !
26 ‘ Miles , I did n't come down here to talk about insurance . ’
28 His equipment was state-of-the-art , though , and he knew how to write about sea-angling .
29 Typical of artists to read nothing except what they happen upon and then to pontificate about life and art and the way the world is going .
30 The 44ft ( 13.4m ) yacht belongs to the charter company International Ocean Ventures and her nine crew were there to learn about ocean cruising — the hard way .
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