Example sentences of "[adv] [to-vb] the time " in BNC.

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1 We must account for every idle word , never talk with anyone or undertake any trifling employment merely to pass the time of day .
2 Enoch Powell sat hunched and brooding , breaking his silence only to pass the time of day with John Biffen .
3 There would probably have been a cover-up in any army , if only to find the time to deal with the malefactors by the army 's own rules .
4 The old hands were less excited and settled down to daydream the time away until supper .
5 Has n't he got enough to worry about without being clobbered over the head by the injured pride of a woman fortunate enough to have the time and the brain to worry about the title on her season ticket ?
6 Gilmour hit back : ‘ Pat Clinton does n't stop working long enough to have the time to use his head .
7 At precisely the time that the Party leadership was extolling the horse as a modern and fuel-saving means of transport , it was also planning to increase the journey-times of the rural population and make them more dependent on motor transport — or perhaps to shorten the time they had left to themselves , to sleep , think and so on .
8 Failing a test was defined as being seen or heard to carry it out incorrectly ( eg to say the time was twenty past nine when the watch indicated a quarter to four ) , or being unable to attempt it ( eg being unable to answer when asked to identify a particular coin ) .
9 Time is finite and business has to be done ; abuse consists of seeking merely to occupy the time of the House to no other end than that business shall not be done .
10 All that and down to sign the time book by 7.20 .
11 I must have done , as not only did the Old Bill and the Ritas ( as in Meter Maid ) ignore me , but a real cabbie parked nearby came over to pass the time of day .
12 Just to pass the time . ’
13 It would be possible for the government of the day utterly to monopolise the time of the House fur its own legislation .
14 ‘ That arsehole Etienne had stored the TARDIS in his armoury , and I thought it would be best not to waste the time we had in there .
15 Not to mention the time lost changing over . ’
16 Cos you can put the channel just to show the time and
17 On the evening after the Bumbles ' little business meeting , Mr Bill Sikes , waking from a sleep , called out to ask the time .
18 It was second nature to him now to note the time by the illuminated dial of his electric bedside clock before he had switched on his lamp , a second after he had felt for and silenced the raucous insistence of the telephone .
19 I should hate anyone to think that I am , ’ she said , looking around her at us all and smiling again , ‘ that I am in the business of catering exclusively for prostitutes , tarts working girls , slags bitches , cunts , whores , studs , pimps , rent boys , butches , nellies , queens , masseurs , escorts , one-night stands , ex-models , ex-policemen , ex-Armed Forces , ex-boxers , security guards , tennis instructors , so-called businessmen , tourists and those poor unfortunates who simply come here to pass the time and meanwhile do some shopping ; oh , no , let it never be said !
20 It can be used simply to indicate the time actually worked on a given job .
21 It can be used simply to indicate the time actually worked on a given job .
22 They could be sucked beforehand to reduce the time before explosion , though the imagination sags a bit at conjuring up a frogman sucking aniseed balls underwater alongside explosive charges .
23 Tony and I sit in the departure lounge of Heathrow wondering , yet again , how to fill the time between now and take-off .
24 But for language learners to learn only the intricacies of the device without knowing how to put it to use is rather like learning about the delicate mechanisms of a clock without knowing how to tell the time .
25 If you 'd like your kids to learn how to tell the time , treat the younger members of the family to their own watch from the ‘ Flik Flak Teaching ’ range .
26 He judged five minutes was long enough for that , a lifetime when you are five , and since he had just learned how to tell the time he watched the clock over her shoulder .
27 Getting her a book that shows you how to tell the time .
28 Remember how to tell the time .
29 they sweep up tidily to pass the time
30 He rarely seemed either to have the time or the inclination to return to Brougham .
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