Example sentences of "[adv] [to-vb] [prep] any " in BNC.

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1 After the intensive twelve months support with the project , girls need somewhere to come with any problems that may occur later .
2 Melanie was furious , and desperate enough to go to any lengths to terminate the pregnancy .
3 ‘ I think the squad is good enough to cope with any injuries we might suffer .
4 Although the technology is available now , it will not be launched commercially until the first quarter of 1994 , because Ms Burke said , she wanted to be sure the company was geared up sufficiently to cope with any demands made on it .
5 Readers might also be interested to hear that Stalin proposed signing a treaty with Morrissey when the time was right , only to renege on any agreement , later resulting in the bloody battle of Stalingrad and the division of The Smiths .
6 Such payment , furthermore , is thought not only to detract from any generosity that might otherwise characterize her action , but altogether to cast doubt on her motives and her reliability .
7 You have only to look through any cookery book index to realise the extent of the French influence on even the most basic of dishes and the number of French recipe titles is further proof of a lasting international legacy .
8 And , as if to emphasise the difficulties that any prevention programme has to face , you had only to walk through any exit to find little groups enjoying a quiet cigarette .
9 Tonally there 's a lot more bottom end than I was expecting , and while it would n't pass for the finest of Martins , it 's good enough to fit into any acoustic line-up and would certainly be bright enough to handle picking and single line solos .
10 Those who attempted to manage the political affairs of a county or district of burghs had not only to contribute towards any public project in their area , they were expected to be the leading subscribers , and it mattered little whether or not they agreed with the project in view .
11 So to save on any HCI Holiday all you have to do is go shopping !
12 Bigger fish might indeed be caught , but in the meantime they have grown into killer sharks with teeth big enough to bite through any net we might attempt to throw over them .
13 ‘ Do you ? ’ said Bob , too worn down to think of any intelligent reply .
14 He is handsome enough to take in any silly young girl ! ’
15 In September 1915 , the UDC refused to accept their affiliation on the grounds that the UDC had less to gain from any activity the Fellowship might undertake on its behalf than it had to lose from being associated with the doctrine of non-resistance .
16 Dotty concocted alarming potions from the herbs and these she pressed upon her unwilling neighbours and friends if they were unwary enough to admit to any slight ailment in her presence .
17 This is not to disparage in any way the commitment of health workers to physical rehabilitation which will sustain or restore people 's physical independence , especially following illness or accident .
18 The Board is entitled to require you not to attend at any place of work and they may otherwise suspend you from the performance of your duties under this appointment where that course is a necessary precaution in the public interest or otherwise in the interests of the Board pending the outcome of criminal , disciplinary or other investigations or proceedings and where no alternative course is reasonably appropriate .
19 It is still too soon to comment with any authority on the likely form of privatisation .
20 to the Chancellor 's announcement referred to pay awards in the public sector in their totality , not to relate in any way to the regularity or amount of increments .
21 1.1 Duty not to compete within the duration of the employment contract This aspect of the duty of fidelity requires the employee not to work for any person who is or who might be in competition with his employer during the working day .
22 7.1 Each of the Parties agrees during the term of this Agreement not to participate in any project which competes with the Project or which is designed to fulfil the same or similar objects .
23 The Society had received assurances just before the Council meeting from John Pitts , Chairman of the Legal Aid Board , that the Board had no plans to move towards competitive tendering , and that ‘ there can be no question of franchise holders being compelled to participate in any competitive tendering exercise and no question of franchise holders being excluded from legal aid work because they choose not to participate in any competitive tendering exercise or do tender and fail ’ .
24 Even though I did not draw even 15th in the ballot and can offer neither blackmail nor whitemail , I hope that there will be a firm commitment from my right hon. and learned Friend , endorsed by the Opposition parties , that the law needs to be amended , not to restrict in any way the freedom of those who are innocent until proved guilty but to prevent the vile calumny which we are discussing from being perpetrated again .
25 He started to pick his way up the stairs , careful not to tread on any little fingers .
26 He withdrew at once to a gracious distance , not to disturb in any way the privacy and composure of the next contender , and his two young squires , well trained to be equally unobtrusive in attendance , drew in silently at either shoulder .
27 She started hiding food away instead of eating it so as not to put on any weight , but hunger forced her to have a good meal at least once a week .
28 Three months before opening day he was sentenced to 14 days in Brixton Prison for contempt of a High Court undertaking not to deal in any more counterfeit tape .
29 More than 1,500 officers have been put on standby in the capital tonight to deal with any alert .
30 ‘ This is not to deny in any way that informational processing leads to decisions that have ‘ downward ’ psychosomatic effects .
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