Example sentences of "[adv] [vb infin] out to " in BNC.

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1 Miss Honey said to the class , ‘ I think you 'd all better go out to the playground and amuse yourselves until the next lesson . ’
2 Now you 'd better get out to where you are going before I change my mind and dash upstairs into Great-gran 's room and tell her where you 're going first , before you join your men pals .
3 Either that , or he could waylay one of the match officials and help run the line where he could not only point out to the referee the error of his ways but also use a brightly-coloured flag to do so .
4 The long line of leading Conservatives on the platform fixed their faces into expressions of interested concern , and prepared themselves for what could only turn out to be a surfeit of oratory .
5 It did not set out to be radically different , though Haydn 's colourful scoring was certainly enhanced by the use of period instruments ( including a fortepiano in the recitatives and a bass line reinforced more consistently by bass trombone and contra bassoon ) , but it succeeded in being unforced and unfettered .
6 In his Dictionary ( 1697 ) , Bayle points out that although the ‘ new philosophers ’ do not set out to be sceptics , they go even further in extending sceptical arguments to the conclusion that smells , colours , and tastes , ‘ are perceptions of our soul and that they do not exist at all in the objects of our senses ’ .
7 Indeed , he did not set out to be comprehensive .
8 CHRISTOPHER Gable says he did not set out to deliberately shock .
9 If , if the Americans had all the power , why did Woodrow Wilson just sell out to the Allies ?
10 He was crazily frightened and awfully ashamed , so that , when he heard voices , men speak outside the cubicle , he could not yell out to be seen this way .
11 I say this with scorn , because the leader of the Labour party can no longer hold out to his people the prospect that they may change the law through this place .
12 He helped the girl down very deliberately — well aware of Burkett 's calculating and approving regard — and as his fingers pressed on that tensile waist , as her free breasts brushed his over-layered chest , as her thighs carelessly kissed his own , he saw a break in the tight-capped cloud of his misery : but he could not reach out to it .
13 But one thing about our Asian men is that they think it a matter of pride that their women must not go out to work .
14 He would prefer us to be in the position of the person who learns to trust that a friend has posted a letter , and who does not go out to be certain that the letter has found its destination , a search that in fact would portray not faith , but a lack of faith .
15 In the evenings , if the Eliots did not go out to the cinema or theatre together , they would often listen to the gramophone — he had an especial affection for the music of Bartok , although sometimes he would play the songs of Edward Lear .
16 Susceptible to malaria , and having recently had open-heart surgery , Vanne can no longer go out to Africa ; but when Jane visits the UK she stays with her mother in Bournemouth .
17 If I did not trust and live his fantasy image of myself I could no longer reach out to distorted splinters and did not know where to begin to look for myself .
18 we should just go out to Prontaprint and invoice him for
19 The only disappointment for the Sunderland fans was that the team did not come out to be saluted after their 1–0 victory as happened when the 1973 side also won through to Wembley at Hillsborough .
20 May I just point out to members that er , we are making , Smallwood are making a very considerable contribution this time .
21 If you read this end to end Ron I 'd be very grateful but let me just point out to you we 've agreed twenty eighth , if you bring it forward great .
22 Let me just point out to you that last year if you remember they asked you to describe the the passage where Jesus is crucified , that 's 1521 to 31 and I guess they wo n't do that again this year , but they 're likely to pick on a significant passage , significant section then you 're asked to relate it relate the passage at the end of Mark 's Gospel where Jesus is crucified .
23 Thank you Chairman , could I I just point out to members that the working ground information on existing flight levels being made publicly available is already included in the little resolution , resolution little six on your original paper , ballot example .
24 Thank you and I think I 'd like to just point out to Mr .
25 ‘ No , I may just pop out to one of the local cafés by the dock , but I sha n't tour the island , not this time .
26 We must try to ensure that , as a result of our own genetic manipulation , they do not turn out to be unpleasant surprises .
27 THIS MAY or may not turn out to be the winter when serious numbers of British skiiers forsake the Alps for the Rockies .
28 ‘ Opinion polls may or may not turn out to be right at a later stage ’ ; ‘ Local authorities exceeded projected expenditure by quite a margin ’ ; ‘ When this campaign started some weeks ago ’ ; ‘ I concede the point , for I have stated it many times in the past . ’
29 However , this did not turn out to be such a cheap solution in the long run , since it set up conditions of even greater instability , necessitating repeated operations every two years.5 Major work on the river Taff and the river Usk in South Wales , carried out in the early 1980s , has precipitated extensive and unforeseen repair bills .
30 If , as seems probable , most teachers will sort out their pupils into the high and the low fliers at a fairly early stage , and if there is a whole separate set of papers in some subjects for the high and the low , then the difference between the higher grades of GCSE and O levels will not turn out to be very great .
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