Example sentences of "[adv] [vb infin] what [art] " in BNC.

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1 One problem is that we do not necessarily know what a particular wavefunction looks like , and it is here that the LCAO approach to the construction of molecular orbitals is very useful .
2 The result of all this is that because of the divergence of Belfast English from other varieties and the internal divergence within it , we do not know beforehand what is the correct lexical input to any phonological variable , we do not necessarily know what the variants of the variable are , and we may not be at all certain about what precisely might count as a variable .
3 But Sam can apparently do what the hell he likes , with as many women as he pleases ! ’
4 Well they 'd basically do what the British troops would do but they would n't lose much hate against them would they ?
5 Many people think you can only do what the punchcard tells you to do but , being me , I always try to get as much as I can from them — even with a lace card I 'll try knitting it in different ways .
6 Local authorities can only do what the law explicitly allows ; all council powers come from Acts of Parliament .
7 ‘ To keep the whole thing in the right perspective , you have to remember that it does n't necessarily matter what a manager decides , the service that the resident receives is actually given by the care assistant .
8 The Purchaser can only see what the Vendor makes available : it may not disclose everything .
9 A political gamble was taken too : that if hostages were released , Americans would not greatly mind what the price or the means had been .
10 Surely those politicians , members of royalty , athletes or anyone who wishes to make a clarifying statement should have sufficient intelligence to appreciate that the media-kings of speculation can not only guess what the content of the future announcement will be , but can make it so much more interesting by speculating on the response , plus the reaction to the response by the person who probably intended to say the opposite to what the ‘ experts ’ had been speculating would be said for the past 48 hours .
11 I can perhaps anticipate what the Minister will say .
12 The " fundamental " principle of education is that the head can only take what the seat can take .
13 At a national level one can only imagine what the development consequences might be for countries with already declining or collapsing economies .
14 I can not think what the Riding , but not only the Riding , will be without him .
15 ‘ Do you mean that if you can just explain what the alternatives are you will have answered the question ?
16 The legislation reflected a judgement that local authorities could not deliver what the national interest required .
17 You can not guarantee what the resulting shade will be , though — you build up depth with subsequent layers — and you can get tell-tale streaking if you are not very careful with application .
18 If you do not know what a tree or shrub is , exercise clemency and give it a year 's grace to demonstrate its worth before you turn it over to the axeman .
19 He does not know what a hyena can do to a human body . ’
20 This is grievous news , grievous not only for this and other universities but for the nation ; for it is a grave national misfortune to be governed by those who do not know what a university is and what distinguishes it from other institutions of learning and study , not to mention training .
21 He was our college barber ; and at a time when most of us were penniless he cut hair for a shilling ( = 5p , to those who do not know what a shilling was ) .
22 ( Some , in this less heroic age , may not know what a Guest Tea was .
23 These eagles would not know what a zoo was , or believe that he had escaped from one in a place where no eagles lived naturally .
24 Alain did not know what a shock it had been to be dragged up those stairs and to find a room like a small time capsule , the very essence of the man she had not known still lingering there .
25 The problem is that without measuring the heights , and their frequency , of all adult males we will not know what a representative sample would be .
26 He may not know what a lying , idle little slummock he 's taken under his wing . ’
27 We do not know what a lightly regulated market will bring .
28 The wise man in Proverbs twenty seven , he says , do not boast about tomorrow for you do not know what a day may bring forth .
29 Military privilege was undefined ; civilians did not know what an officer was entitled to , what they could safely refuse , what belonged to the armed forces , and what claims were backed only by an officer 's pretensions .
30 One could not know what an experience was like without knowing whether it was pleasurable or not , but one could know what it was like without recognizing its value , even though this follows necessarily from its being like just what it was .
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