Example sentences of "[adv] [vb infin] [pn reflx] the " in BNC.

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1 ‘ T is so no more ’ , that is , he can no longer consider himself the same person — he has become , at last , a human being ( line 36 ) , not a dreaming poet , and he can not go back to the earlier state .
2 Such as it was , it constituted a public place , and he could no longer guarantee himself the seclusion and privacy of the deserted churchyard .
3 The present churches are right to be concerned that many do not give themselves the opportunity to grow in any faith because apathy and false gods have moved into the vacuum that exists instead of a soul .
4 Do not just give yourself the whole week off .
5 It is very simple : the artist can not allow himself the luxury of letting himself be manipulated passively by our culture .
6 A man divided can not allow himself the luxury of complacency .
7 We can not allow ourselves the empty luxury of doubt . ’
8 The courts should not deny themselves the light which Parliamentary materials may shed on the meaning of the words Parliament has used and thereby risk subjecting the individual to a law which Parliament never intended to enact .
9 So I 'd just ask yourself the question before you react untoward towards a situation like this .
10 Monitor evaluator , they can usually make themselves the pest of the group because everybody thinks they 're so bloody negative .
11 I ca n't give myself the great happiness of promising to be yours — because I am sure I ought not to ! ’
12 ‘ You can see that he did n't give himself the time to finish it .
13 Silverstone calls itself the home of British motor racing and it could equally call itself the home of Formula One since the first race of the first world championship was held there in l950 .
14 ‘ The reason a lot of women and men argue without hearing each other is that many women lack the bottom harmonics in their voices , while men do n't allow themselves the upper harmonics .
15 He suddenly wondered whether she smiled like that because she could rarely allow herself the full release of a complete smile , but must always keep one side of her lips tucked under control .
16 Do not accept offers of tea or coffee if this is your problem as you will then give yourself the further anxiety of controlling the cup and saucer .
17 ‘ Although I 'm champion and it 's been a wonderful year I feel I ca n't truly call myself the title holder until I beat Joey on the roads . ’
18 Er you must therefore ask yourselves the question , why is it therefore the government has decided to er re re remove the funding er for this particular project erm never mind they said er we now know how to build fast reactors , look there 's one we 've already built , a prototype we have th the , the er the th the blueprints , the drawings for a full scale version and when we actually need the fast reactors in say the year two thousand and ten or thereabouts , we 'll just get the blueprints out of the filing cabinet and we will build them .
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