Example sentences of "[adv] [vb infin] [verb] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Carrying a knife makes you feel big , you 'll eventually want to use it , ’ said one .
2 What would employees below think to hear us shouting at the top of our voices about what is and what is not the correct Chinaman ? ’
3 But I mean I I expect , I mean even we had some left over e eventually you could sell them to our own members because they 'd all want to use it
4 I do so want to help him before he makes a complete fool of himself .
5 I did so want to tell you how I felt , but I just … just could n't seem to , somehow .
6 Many persons will have their own particular reasons for gratitude to him , and everyone will so warmly want to wish him well for the new place in life which awaits him back in his own native diocese of Liverpool .
7 I should only want to hush it up .
8 Most sales people are that false that they will only want to know you if they can sell you something .
9 You 'll obviously want to make it , you do n't want to make it too short you 're going to have enough words to get yourself a good mark .
10 I 'm not I do n't necessarily want to dispute them erm all I would say is that we have to look at the implications do n't just look at the change in the traffic flows and take them as a as a point , you have to look at the implications of those changes in traffic flows .
11 ‘ I do so much want to congratulate you and your parish on the televised celebration of your Mass for the Feast of Christ the King yesterday .
12 " And I would so enjoy turning it into the best school of its kind in Frizingley .
13 ‘ I would only consider using it in very particular circumstances , and for obvious reasons , I would not predict what those circumstances might be . ’
14 And we 're going to go through them , you do n't necessarily need to write them all down because there is such a lot , but , because they 're all sort of shown individually here .
15 That he did not so do indicates he had some other categories in mind as well .
16 Frankly , I do n't much like wearing them — however , it is expected so I 'll put it on when I get in .
17 If a BCRS member has a copy , then I would very much like to borrow it , or perhaps it could be published in the Journal .
18 Yes , he would very much like to stroke her .
19 And the daughter would very much like to meet you when they come to tour here , as would Eddie .
20 We would very much like to have you to teach us ( but would of course welcome any trainer that you 'd propose in your place if you 're already busy that weekend ) .
21 Well I think , we 'll , we 'll see what , we 'll see what comes , if somebody else wishes to compete , compete for the Chair , the post of Chair , erm , then you may perhaps like to invite them to share the Chair with you , or , or , they can become the , the Vice Chair .
22 Well would you perhaps like to give them a , a ring to , to say what I spoke about today then I 'll give them a ring , say if you could ring them tomorrow then I 'll ring them er er tomorrow evening a as well and then perhaps I can , you know , they , you 've given them the ground work to actually er for me to ring as well and then I can discuss with him and arrange an appointment to go and see him is that okay ?
23 They would perhaps like to buy it , but they ca n't sell their property and also if they can sell theirs and they look at the cost of the property and they work out how much they 've got to pay for the mortgage then they find they ca n't afford it .
24 Erm , I was wondering if you 'd perhaps like to tell us how you 're going to manage your er , your .
25 I would so like to see her make some new friends . ’
26 But I do so like having you in the game .
27 You are only looking at it from our point of view though are n't you , I mean they , they 're going to look at it from the point of view that they can possibly obtain sixteen zero zero fours , although they 'd obviously like to get them cheaper , but at a price that makes the the overall package that contains that bearing and a six eight O seven cheaper than than the package that we would like them to use which inc would incorporate six zero zero fours , and er whatever after .
28 Historic buildings would stay but need much work to make them safe , while an ‘ ugly legacy ’ of derelict property and fences require demolition , a major task .
29 Then you 'd better decide to stamp mine while you 're on with it ! ’
30 ‘ We can only hope to fool her by being friends . ’
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