Example sentences of "[adv] [subord] with [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 To some extent , though less so than with survey researchers , the same spirit informed the early exponents of participant observation .
2 And finally , that our model provides a powerful took in identifying those patients for whom conventional treatment will be unsuccessful and other haemostatic procedures be considered in new controlled therapeutic trials such as injection of the varices with cyanoacrylate rather than with polidocanol , staple transection of the oesophagus , or endoscopic variceal ligation .
3 Where the victim is under the age of 13 , it will often be desirable to prosecute the defendant with having unlawful sexual intercourse with a girl of that age rather than with rape .
4 The reason for this is that , overwhelmingly , nouns in post-copular position , as in ( 4 ) , exemplify the construction with equation rather than with assignment .
5 But she said that almost as if it were expected of her rather than with conviction — and the family knew it .
6 It would seem sensible to link risk with possession rather than with ownership , because the person in possession of the goods is in the best position to see that they come to no harm .
7 When she applies this to her test situations , however , she tends to interpret it in the narrow sense of explicitness rather than with reference to the higher orders of logic to which abstractness usually refers and which the general weight of her argument implies .
8 Thirdly , they are concerned with service to the community rather than with self-interest .
9 It 's all to do with revenge and punishment rather than with forgiveness .
10 The success of the one-off rally prolonged the life of the movement and although it kept its basically evangelical outlook for a couple of years , Roy Wallis suggests that the likes of Peter Hill began to be replaced by a leadership that was ‘ more directly concerned with the civic-political aspects of moral reform , rather than with evangelism . ’
11 It is interesting to note that the aspects of SSE which discriminated most strongly between respondents and non-respondents were to do specifically with the Oxfordshire scheme as it had operated in their school rather than with SSE as a general notion .
12 No doubt many users of the word ‘ introspection ’ are unaware of its Latin etymology ( from introspicio ‘ look within' ) , yet they are surely influenced by its affinities with ‘ inspect ’ , ‘ spectator ’ , ‘ spectacle ’ ; otherwise , why do they claim to introspect entities as not physical but mental because not extended in space , treating introspection as analogous with sight , which reveals spatial extension , rather than with hearing , smell or taste , which just as much as consciousness of love or anger , hope or fear , exhibit temporal change without spatial extension ?
13 Much of that research has , in turn , been inspired by an attempt , especially among American psychologists , to understand and predict ‘ giftedness ’ : as such , in seeking reasons for differences in creativity , their preference has naturally been to look for evidence of the latter 's association with excellence , superiority , and health rather than with maladjustment or psychological deviance .
14 And the second , more serious factor , is attributable to the emphasis in connectionist research on generalisation ‘ within' task domains rather than with generalisation ‘ between ’ task domains .
15 Much of biology and botany , for example , is concerned with taxonomy or classification rather than with explanation .
16 Much of science is concerned with describing things rather than with explanation .
17 Just as with profit measures , capital measures are affected by changing prices .
18 Just as with word processing type can be set flush with the left-hand margin , centred or justified .
19 Just as with transposition , if a matrix product is inverted the order of the factors must be reversed .
20 Just as with manufacture , the artefact may be used to express not actual efficiency but an ideal of function .
21 Just as with healing , I had no idea what to expect .
22 Just as with childcare good practice requires social work help to provide a bridge between home and the new environment , so it is with vulnerable elderly people .
23 Just as with population structure and composition , so also the patterning of people across national space is highly dynamic despite the low level of national population growth in recent years .
24 Heat from the projector will dry up ink in the pens more quickly than with preparation on the film beforehand .
25 Challenger 's 12 independent hydrogas units allow the wheels to travel up and down much further than with Chieftain 's bogie -type suspension , thus greatly reducing the accelerations that the vehicle itself undergoes .
26 His crime is blasphemy no less than theft , for from the beginning he lied impiously , saying he had his revelation from the saint , and he has covered his offence ever since with lie after lie .
27 There can be no question that the bishops are not in any way aware of this arrogation , as it is mediated in consciousness by their belief in , and conceptualization of , a static natural law which is accessible , even if with difficulty , to the conscience of everyman ; which same natural law no one should be allowed to violate , even if in error , when that law , if broken , is seen to threaten the very moral fabric of society .
28 After countless ages I seemed to come back to a real realisation that I was continuing to breathe , even if with difficulty , and did n't seem in immediate danger of stopping .
29 Work on the social conditions of art overlaps , evidently , with general aesthetics and some branches of psychology , as well as with history .
30 However , I also linked wealth with being selfish , greedy , materialistic , hard-hearted , snobbish , and dull — as well as with childhood images from the Bible about camels and the eye of a needle !
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