Example sentences of "[adv] [subord] [vb infin] [art] " in BNC.

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1 They are breaking it apart , and if they were to get another five years they would all but finish the job . ’
2 They are breaking it apart , and if they were to get another five years they would all but finish the job . ’
3 Presumably he should have shot her or let her drown , rather than make a present of her to the French , but there were some things Karelius could not bring himself to do .
4 There was no fairness on earth if someone who would appreciate it and work hard was kept out just because of a greedy , uncaring family who would prefer to forget the child of an unsuitable union rather than make a generous gesture and ensure that some right was done at the end of the day .
5 Seek professional advice if needs be , rather than make a valiant attempt yourself and then regret it .
6 Or we might compare the way Philip II kept Phokis intact in 346 rather than make a present of it to Thebes .
7 It is , though , more overtly apparent when he attempts to limit the damage to the atmosphere of the conversation caused by McKendrick 's accusation of his insincerity when praising Stoke university : Rather than make a straightforward denial , Anderson tries to diffuse the tension with humour by playing on the literal sense of McKendrick 's accusation. his display of urbane wit brings about some laughter from McKendrick but it also elicits a sardonic comment which is a valid observation on Anderson 's character .
8 Rather than make a decisive choice , he played a double game .
9 If this is a valid criticism , rather than make an excuse accept it , apologise and offer a reason — a true reason if you can .
10 Rather than make the risky journey to Scone , James III was crowned in Kelso abbey near Roxburgh .
11 He chose to move towards God rather than continue the journey deeper and deeper into the trap of himself .
12 It has preferred to follow rather than lead the majority of the industry 's employers and seems to have interpreted its own role as that of a safety net to protect the worst-exploited workers .
13 Thus the hospitals , schools and universities should learn how to help these conscientious citizens to provide financial assistance rather than expect the Treasury to be constantly replenishing their begging-bowls .
14 Whitehall mandarins have discreetly voiced hopes that the party leaders will cobble together an agreement rather than face a second election .
15 However , the tally of six underestimates the total effect because some MPs unsympathetic to Left-wing ideas may have decided to retire a little early rather than face a battle for re-adoption .
16 In the final analysis the need for a swift response to an immediate housing shortage after the war painted almost inevitably to a large-scale local authority housing programme , rather than face a period of delay while housing associations were geared up to the task .
17 He revealed that BMW is prepared to withdraw from the US rather than face the economic suicide such regulations would bring .
18 I think I was just miserable , and it was far easier to believe the reason was something I could do something about , rather than face the fact that my depression was very complicated , based on things like my family not having much money , and feeling very isolated and different from the kids at school .
19 Rather than face the revolution that was simmering under the surface of German political life , they were more than happy to divert attention away from the real cause of the problems in the east and to let the Poles appear to be the troublemakers .
20 Rather oddly , in the context of a crisis in which the abolition of the House of Lords was under consideration , it seems to have been assumed that this reservation would present a realistic safeguard against a majority party in the House of Commons seeking to keep its government in power indefinitely rather than face the country .
21 In Britain , all bands are made up of burly chaps whose pent-up emotions cause them to split up by post and be rude to the bass player in print rather than face the separation .
22 Lineker , on the other hand , took his decision having already played in two World Cups , deciding it was in his best interests to seek a fortune playing in Japan rather than face the prospect of losing his status and even his England place as his legs began to fail him .
23 Local campaigners fear many pupils will play truant rather than face the taunts of classmates about their ragged clothes .
24 Secondary school classes have also grown , with more pupils staying on rather than face the dole queue .
25 They were not the only respondent of the survey who identified another clear advantage of headhunting , especially for the most senior positions : that staff who were prepared to move jobs actually prefer to be headhunted , rather than face the time-consuming task of ploughing through advertisements or the slightly demoralising task of putting their names down with agencies .
26 Rather than face the shame of interrogation , the Phoenix King took poison .
27 Most of us will try anything rather than face the pain , yet that is the only way out of it , and tears and weeping are an essential factor in the cure .
28 Outmoded models are still conventional wisdom and in geomorphology there are signs that , rather than face the new realities , there is a retreat into the more rarefied atmosphere of conceptual model-building and complex correlation structure diagrams .
29 She might prefer to accept that rather than face the horror of the idea of her husband , the King of Scotland , being thrown into a pit among commoners . ’
30 It is worth remembering that one of Ælfric 's patrons , and the founder of his abbeys of Cerne and Eynsham , was the nobleman Ætheær who may have retired from court rather than face the growing influence of Eadric Streona .
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