Example sentences of "[adv] [subord] [vb -s] [art] " in BNC.

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1 She generates interesting theories , offers stimulating possibilities , makes her pitch for a long exploration , and all but does the dance of the seven veils to persuade Rainbow to join her on a journey of self-discovery .
2 After this the chorus degenerates further in Euripides and all but disappears a century later , in New Comedy .
3 This affirmed the right of citizens to a clean and healthy environment in regard to the quality of air and water , food and drinking water , protection against noise and contamination of soil , soil erosion and desertification , the preservation of fauna and flora and the natural heritage , and amenities in residential areas ; and a commitment to global environmental preservation , especially as regards the Antarctic , the ozone layer , and tropical forests .
4 A roughly similar pattern , especially as regards the rapid growth in business in the years before 1914 , can be seen everywhere : the unit of the Russian foreign ministry which duplicated papers concerned with relations with the European states , for example , trebled its output in 1893 – 1906 .
5 At the same time , corporatist arrangements break down as does the class character of political parties .
6 W what happened when things began to go down as regards the ships then ?
7 It 's contracting not only as regards the Walsall trade , but for the simple reason that hides and skins at ma v very largely found in the countries of Asia , Africa and South America .
8 Dismissive of the ‘ corridor opportunites ’ , he fails to mention that , so far , the Foreign Secretaries of the UK and Argentina have had their first meeting since the 1982 Falklands War , that the Israeli and Soviet Foreign Ministers have got together as has the US Secretary of State with his Israeli and Egyptian counterparts , or that the two German Foreign Ministers have held extensive talks on the current crisis — all with apparently good results : quite useful when several of these countries have no diplomatic relations with each other .
9 The difference is that Orton 's pastiche is comic but in a way which interrogates rather than presupposes the norm .
10 The test of any methodology or specialized mode of study is the degree to which it illuminates rather than obscures the primary cultural values inherent in literature .
11 Providing oral substitutes such as Methadone perpetuates rather than reduces the addictive disease and all its attendant risks .
12 Beneath the castle he proposes to open a bay in the woods and build there a cottage that ‘ will give an air of cheerfulness and inhabitancy to the scene which would without it be too sombre , because the castle tho ’ perfectly in character with the solemn dignity of the surrounding woods , increases rather than relieves the apparent solitude ’ .
13 sharpening perceptual skills so that categorization follows rather than precedes the search for clues .
14 You might be wondering why a word mask merely reduces rather than eliminates the word-superiority effect , since it effectively short-circuits the operation of the target word 's detector .
15 Have a leader who co-ordinates rather than directs the team ?
16 Tt so that th the er there 's that aspect to it , which I think er complements rather than contradicts the , the ideological pragmatism one .
17 The problem was that the premises of his own theory required the answer to this question to remain always in abeyance , while his text enacts rather than resolves the equivocality of the choice which it sets up .
18 From a Marxist viewpoint , market exchange under capitalism may appear as an area of individual freedom and choice ; but in reality the commodities exchanged there constitute an alienated and uncontrolled social force whose existence dominates rather than liberates the lives of those who produce them .
19 Second , the expression of aggression and its consequent momentary release of tension strengthens rather than weakens the tendency to behave aggressively ( see page 80 ) .
20 Consequently such apparently irrational attribution of responsibility exhibited by criminal law strengthens rather than weakens the claim that criminal law may be understood as positive morality .
21 Naturally , I hoped for the best as regards the efficacy of my heart-felt prayer , but I had to be practical .
22 They do , nevertheless , reveal implicit social bias and have political implications , just as does the work done in British universities .
23 It describes , just as does the Fundamental Theorem for Finite Abelian Groups ( 6.4.4 ) , the exact structure , in easy terms , of a wide class of rings ( the so-called semisimple ones ) .
24 The Yorkshire Dales feature prominently as does the Peak District .
25 In the UK context the book more than fills a major gap , and will , I hope , be widely used .
26 Ardnamurchan Point , on a fine day , more than justifies the long and tortuous journey necessary to see its beautiful seascapes , the best of all .
27 When the salient vicinity includes another moving object , particularly a flying insect twisting and turning and diving in a desperate attempt to shake off its pursuer , the extra benefit to the bat of increasing its sample rate more than justifies the increased cost .
28 Seen from without , the stately building that fronts the open square is sufficiently imposing ; viewed from within , the place more than fulfils the promise of its exterior .
29 I am advised that it more than fulfils the requirements of the Standing Order , which is the basis on which I have proposed that the environmental impact assessment should proceed .
30 The current position more than meets the amendment .
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