Example sentences of "[adv] [v-ing] in [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Therefore he strove to understand nature , and had ‘ The habit of wishing to discover the good and the Beautiful in all that meets and surrounds me ’ , thereby becoming in touch with ‘ plastic and vast , one intellectual breeze , At once the soul of each , and God of All ’ .
2 I gave him a fair price for it , and I have let him carry on trading in smack . ’
3 Although it was after three in the morning , Sophie could hear the low , penetrating drub-drub-drub of a bass-line and a siren somewhere wailing in counterpoint .
4 Here is a Roman theatre built over barrel-vaulted substructures but gently resting in part against the hillside .
5 Again , the 103/4 conveyed a perfectly tangible image , with the sound literally hanging in space in the room .
6 Not everything that is naturally occurring in sea water is necessary or beneficial to marine life .
7 Most events take about two hours and are normally limited to 20 places , so booking in advance is essential .
8 17.19 Much writing in English will be attempts by pupils to record their thoughts on topics of personal or public importance .
9 Apparently acting in protest at the economic blockade , a 52-year-old Lithuanian factory worker , Stanislovas Zhamaitis , committed suicide by setting fire to himself outside the Bolshoi Theatre in the centre of Moscow on April 26 .
10 Bozer was apparently acting in protest at not having been fully consulted by President Turgut Özal on Turkey 's stance in the current Gulf crisis .
11 We need only recognize that history is a method with no distinct object corresponding to it to reject the equivalence between the notion of history and the notion of humanity which some have tried to foist on us with the unavowed aim of making historicity the last refuge of a transcendental humanism : as if men could regain the illusion of liberty on the plane of the ‘ we ’ merely by giving up the ‘ I 's that are too obviously wanting in consistency .
12 However , once we start to distort the operation of open justice and the consideration of the matters , we may very well , through the operation of rumour and all its insidious effects that are so damaging in libel cases — the only justification that I know for the high damages granted in such cases — inflict more damage on justice than we realise .
13 Since those relations were daily growing in importance with the increase in trade , it was becoming more and more essential that all should try and give life to that necessary fiction of government that every man knew the laws of his country .
14 ( One of the originators once told me that his memory of the first few weeks of the organization was of people literally waiting in turn to answer the phone every time it rang . )
15 Less aggravating in manner than Temple , Richmond Palmer , the Resident at Katsina , stood higher in gubernatorial favour .
16 but now they 're all set up and I 'm left alone and the children , three of them , have n't got time to look after me to give me what I , what I need and especially one in the truth , that one is less getting in touch with me than the ones that told me the truth , boys ring me , twice , three times a week , Julia rings every , every night , but Ted rings twice or three times a week , three times I could go , the one
17 In fact , her first administration down to June 1983 showed the impact of Thatcherite policies to be somewhat muted , with even so single-minded a Prime Minister apparently lacking in direction .
18 The Principal had by this time become almost as fluorescent as the neon sign outside his academy , and we eyeballed one another in a spirit entirely lacking in camaraderie .
19 ‘ Nothing is impossible , ’ she cried furiously , disappointed that Lucenzo should turn out to be so lacking in integrity .
20 But the term " Tithonian " , though not quite so lacking in respectability as the " Urgonian " , is usually reserved for the carbonate facies of alpine Europe , and is still disputing with the " Volgian " the honour of being the accepted international term for the topmost stage of the Jurassic .
21 Unfortunately the report is so lacking in detail as to be virtually useless in identifying individual objects , and there are no accompanying photographs .
22 So clueless and misguided are these sorry types — so lacking in insight , intent and , bloody hell , a sense of humour — that if a great comedy show ever makes it to TV List magazine it can only be DESPITE the pony-tails whose job it is to shepherd these things to a laff-hungry public .
23 His reply was so matter-of-fact , so lacking in emotion that she found it hard to believe .
24 He was so lacking in compassion , in basic humanity .
25 You are n't usually so lacking in confidence , ’ she could n't resist taunting .
26 Not only was Gannon jettisoned with professional coldness he was , at least according to the Gannon camp , somewhat lacking in payment for his part in the writing of The Smiths next single , ‘ Ask ’ .
27 All lively stuff , like day one , if somewhat lacking in bottom .
28 Each such polarization invariably reflects the values of the writers who impose it , but there is a wide consensus among critics who have written about the literature of the period that the majority of it is unambitious , anti-experimental and somewhat lacking in originality .
29 ‘ If some of our visitors are somewhat lacking in restraint , ’ noted an RCM report euphemistically , ‘ it must be remembered that many are overwrought with anxiety . ’
30 Since I have never regarded the matter as having much bearing on religious affairs then this omission on my part is logical , if somewhat lacking in curiosity .
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