Example sentences of "[adv] [v-ing] [been] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 On the weekend Aug. 22-23 three African migrants were found drowned near Tarifa , apparently having been dumped offshore [ see also p. 38982 ] .
2 They may , however , not be exactly what the author would have preferred , as a colour plate which is readily available ( perhaps having been used in another publication ) is much cheaper to use than a new plate which has to be commissioned .
3 The family was clearly influential , perhaps having been helped by his brother who was archbishop of Canterbury , and a third brother was an alderman , although he never became mayor .
4 These men who , with their fists , knocked others insensible , the art of doing so having been passed down as a necessary part of their growing up , had evidently never had to deal with a fainting female before ; and when the big , fat , enormous-breasted woman came into the kitchen , bawling , ‘ What the hell d' you think you 're at !
5 He had had a long and tiring journey , flights from Frankfurt , Heathrow and Glasgow all having been delayed or cancelled .
6 The decoration around the windows and along the string-course is delightful , the corbels especially having been sculpted into a strange and compelling variety of animals , monsters and more or less human figures .
7 A few miles further down the road they came on a group of Italians with rifles waving at them to stop , obviously having been alerted by the German post .
8 Behind them he saw a pair of horses , obviously having been warned off , turning to ride through a field , the colours of the riders ' helmets very bright against the pale , cold , February sky .
9 Only part of this extensive cloth and flock mill remains , much having been destroyed by fire .
10 I 've served on that one , and the whole business of the organisation has generally speaking been run by the executive and not by a full council .
11 The other members of the Nostromo 's crew were splattered with animal guts , not having been warned beforehand , so that their reactions were real and spontaneous .
12 The concern then must be that when people start to suffer the rule of the power which has replaced the national government , their resentment against not having been warned of the full consequences of what was happen — There are signs that this may indeed be what is happening in Germany .
13 Do not use a social setting for suddenly coming out with all the reservations you may have or the frustrations you may feel at not having been consulted properly .
14 The union , not having been consulted , did not cooperate in supplying recruits ; many men refused to transfer and the reserve never reached its anticipated size .
15 He said that he was " wounded " by not having been consulted by Shevardnadze beforehand , and declared that " to go now is unforgivable " .
16 First , it can be said not merely that C does not sue for breach of contract between A and B , but that his cause of action actually depends upon the contract not having been broken .
17 By the early 80's 80 per cent of children were in comprehensive schools — the system not having been adopted by all education authorities .
18 One of these is the tiny Fender 's Blue butterfly , Icaricia icarioides fenderi , a colony of which has been spotted in a remote area of Oregon 's Willamette Valley after not having been seen since 1937 .
19 This was because the £3 3s. 0d. subscription was still the same as in 1907 not having been increased , making the return on the bond if taken as golf still only around the 3% level , clearly the capital could earn better interest elsewhere .
20 ‘ The action is an action for money had and received ; and it is brought upon this ground ; namely , that the money was paid to the defendant without any consideration ; the duty , for which , and in respect of which he received it , not having been imposed by lawful or sufficient authority to warrant the same .
21 ‘ The action is an action for money had and received ; and it is brought upon this ground ; namely , that the money was paid to the defendant without any consideration ; the duty , for which , and in respect of which he received it , not having been imposed by lawful or sufficient authority to warrant the same .
22 Bransford and Franks found that only sentences which contained one piece of information , or information from different sets , could be reliably identified as not having been heard before .
23 The point in both appeals was whether the jury should have been allowed to hear the tape recording of the appellant 's interview with the police when they requested it after retirement , it not having been played to them during the course of the trial .
24 LORD TENTERDEN C.J. : Assuming that the offer to pay the six guineas without costs was evidence of an express promise by the defendant to pay that sum to the plaintiff as a compensation to him for his loss of time , still , if the defendant was not bound by law to pay that sum , the offer to do so not having been accepted will not avail the plaintiff .
25 In his report , Coleman suggested that the ‘ prodigious loss of horses was due to expert advice not having been sought when the outbreak started ’ .
26 Not having been trained in school formalities , there is no reason why they should associate her test questions with the need to make explicit answers , or why they should pretend that the questioner is not there as the ‘ detached ’ answer requires .
27 you are regarded as not having been made redundant at all ;
28 His relief at not having been made a fool of was matched by his curiosity to find out who the devil he was , this man Iying chest down on the wet flagstones , face turned to one side as though asleep .
29 She could feel the anger surging inside her and she fought it down , not wanting him to know what a fool she felt for not having been made aware of that fact .
30 pending the receipt of prompt instructions from the bank/organisation keep its interest in the policy in force up to the full sum insured and for the same risks as were covered when the bank's/organisation 's interest was notified ( subject to the insurance not having been replaced elsewhere with the consent of consent of the bank/organisation ) .
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