Example sentences of "[adv] [vb base] him [adv] " in BNC.

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1 It is this experience which first tempted Sohl to seek out the Geordie and eventually bring him down south .
2 I know but I mean I , I only , I only wind him up , I only wind you up , I do n't really do anything .
3 You can make your hand gestures more effective by adding a soundtrack : confidently telling an argumentative old drunk to sit down , as you gently push him back out of arm 's reach , adds authority to the message .
4 It was a year since her wedding , and on that bright cold morning her unspoken hope was to win over her husband 's family and so persuade him back to her .
5 He shouted her name , but she only let him in after he threatened to kick down the door .
6 Fans perhaps remember him best in Carry On Doctor as the hapless Dr Kilmore , who is found in compromising positions with nurses .
7 But what sticks in the mind is how easily the City was able to use the self-regulatory nature of the investor protection system — ‘ we pay for it , so get him off our backs ’ — to twist the arm of the government .
8 So get him down here . ’
9 A boyfriend came with her , rather unkempt , so keep him out for the time being at least .
10 You know , i i it is a very fine line between er how we talk to our customers , which is why I , I , I ca n't stress enough the need for the project coordinators to talk face to face with the customer first of all , and perhaps gently lead him down some of the items in this list that the project coordinator thinks the client might not have remembered .
11 His editorial judgment rarely let him down .
12 Start the morning about six o'clock and you muck out dress your horse over make him ready we call it make him ready , and you turn out at say , quarter to seven .
13 Just pick him up , and throw him into the flames , and I 'll free you from your debt . ’
14 You 've got ta say no , very severely several times is n't it sort of just push him away so tell that that 's all you can do really .
15 I just want him back with me
16 I only just let him in .
17 He did that because they had not only annoying his neighbours , sorry , their neighbours , because he had once been one of our neighbours , but also they had damaged his house , and they had already cost him probably about two hundred pounds in repair bills until the house itself , broken doors , window erm the wall , and bit of the roof and so on , and there was every reason to believe that this would just carry on .
18 They did n't care how I did it , but just kill him off . ’
19 Over a mile , the only sensible way to ride Pendero was to use his stamina , not hold him up .
20 Just drop him off and go to a canteen
21 Just string him along until we get things squared away .
22 ‘ It 's stand him up , not stand him down .
23 Just ring him up and have lunch with him the next day and it 'll be all right . ’
24 Just hold on Tim while I just sort him out .
25 Just keep him out of my hair .
26 ‘ The one who pulled the knife was clearly intending to hurt him , not frighten him off . ’
27 Just cross him out .
28 The bone was left in the sirloin , you just , just fold him round and put a skewer in him and tie him up , with the string round and another one over the top .
29 Oh God we just fancy him so much !
30 The local police no longer stop him for speeding through the sleepy streets of his home town of Riolo Terme , they just pull him over for an autograph .
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